Mar 06, 2011 10:56
The latest episode of SV brings the confusion to epic levels. 'Epic', get it? Spoilers below, if anyone cares.
Conner is the progeny of both Clark and Lex. This is now known. Clark tells Alt!Lionel he won't let him destroy Conner the way Original!Lionel destroyed Lex, 'his best friend until Lionel corrupted him'. And Clark admits to Alt!Lionel that he lied to Lex. Nice. A few sentences tossed our way. I'd be more grateful, if only they hadn't then ruined it all, as is their wont. Apparently, as Clark's DNA takes over, Conner loses Lex's memories and gets dark hair? As you all know, because I readily admit it, I don't watch the show any more. I'm going by reports on TWoP here. Someone said this is what happened, and so far no one has contradicted them. If this is indeed wrong, please feel free to point that out to me now, because I'd be very happy to know that SV is not still saying that it's Lex's DNA that makes him EVOL.
Now for my second Big Moment of WTF? Clark tells Lois that she's 'the only person who made him feel normal'. 'Normal' I suppose meaning 'human'? They've been arguing about this over on TWoP, some people pointing out that Clark had Martha and Jonathan and other friends who loved him, but that wasn't enough. Clark needed Lois who is the only person who understands him and really loves him, blahblahblah....
I, myself, am thoroughly sick to death of Clark and his neediness. I'm sick to death of his neediness being excused when all the time Lex's far more excusable neediness is mocked and discarded and labelled a sign of EVOL. Clark had, and still has, and will have in the Future, he's been assured, total support from almost everyone he knows, but he needed this one perfect person. Tada! Lois Lane. Here's a bit of a discussion from TWoP, edited down quite a bit. Someone objected and someone else responded:
"...maybe he just needed that one person who might suspect something was up, but figured it was his business, and if he wanted her to know, he'd tell her. You know, the person that advised Chloe to do that very thing...
Chloe: ...Lois, if you found out something, something someone didn’t want you to know about them, would you tell them?
Lois: ...does keeping the secret hurt anyone?
Chloe: No.
Lois: Then my answer is no. If I really cared about that person, I wouldn’t tell them that I knew. But I would go out of my way to be supportive of them so that hopefully, one day, they would be comfortable enough to tell me themselves."
Okay, a couple of things. First of all, sometimes Clark DID hurt people with his SEEKRIT. Lying to your friends hurts them, however much you can't help lying to them. Lying to your best friend, all the time accusing him of lying to you, all the time asking him for favours, all the time rubbing your secret in his face and then lying to him some more? Allowing him to be mindwiped to protect your secret? All these things hurt someone.
Secondly, how many people did Clark actually allow to know his secret again? The last I checked, it was about 100. Why the big deal about the 'one person who suspects but says nothing'? Is this some kind of Princess and the Pea test, or what?
Here is a partial list of people who knew a good deal about Clark long before Lois, and whom Clark allowed to know, all the time being hysterically insistent that Lex not know:
Lionel Luthor
Oliver Queen
Assorted dangerous meteor mutants
Assorted total strangers who saw Clark use his powers
I know there are others, but I can't think of their names at the moment. If you remember more names, let me know and I'll add them to the list.
See, IMO, it's not that Clark only let a few select trusted people in on the secret after a lot of deep thought and consideration. Really it's a matter of NOT TELLING LEX. The whole thing about Lois was... what? To make it LOOK like Clark has deep misgivings about telling people?
Really he just loves to put people Lex through the hoops. Oh, can you guess my SEEKRIT? No? Let me run from Metropolis to Smallville in 3 seconds flat. Notice anything now? No. What say I jump off the top of Luthor Tower and survive. Getting warm? Yes! We have a winner. You guessed there is something... different about me. I hate you. You're EVOL. I want to feel like I'm NORMAL. If you can't make me feel NORMAL, I'm not going to like you any longer. Boohoo. Next?
Furthermore, how much does Lois know about Clark's Dark Side. She says that RedK affected Conner far more than it does Clark, I suppose meaning that it's Lex's DNA that does this. She's never seen Clark at his absolute worst, has she? Is this just a lack of knowledge on her part, or is the show now going to insist that Clark never HAS HAD a truly Dark Side. Clark has been extremely violent on occasion, and not only when he's on RedK. But Lois hasn't really seen this, or experienced it. Does she know about him burning down the Twin Towers? Does she know he tried to choke Lex to death when he suspected that Lex had killed Lana? Does she know he choked many other people, and not only on RedK? Is the show now going to portray Clark through Lois's ignorant eyes, and say that's the Real Clark, and always was?
ETA: Someone said the following:
"And I loved Lois. She was smart and brave, and even uncharacteristically humble. Her apology to Clark takes her character up a level. She apologizes for being rash and careless, getting herself captured and placing them both in danger. I was startled; she's recognizing boundaries, that there are things that should be left to Clark or at least that Clark should be kept informed. I thought that showed just how much she respects Clark now.
Someone else asked why Lois should apologize for being kidnapped and was answered:
"Because she got kidnapped while breaking into Lionel's office and snooping through his things. It made a bad situation worse and I thought it was nice that she was able to recognize that."
Now, I don't like Lionel Luthor as a person. I still don't get how Alt!Lionel managed to come in and take over his old company after being 'dead' for years. I understand that the situation with Conner was somewhat incendiary. However, it still bugs me that it's okay for The Good Guys to break into peoples' homes and offices and snoop through their things, but it's not okay for people to suspect that there's something different about Clark and investigate.
Boundaries? Are those the 'boundaries' that people need to recognize?
Have I said all this before? Probably. My apologies.