UNA DOMANDA ALL'AUDIENCE: voi fate mai uso dell'espressione 'solo come un pinolo in mezzo al deserto' ?
Perchè dopo aver cercato di analizzarne la semantica e la radice di saggezza popolare insieme a Kitty e a un Cuba Libre inatteso, all'ombra delle chiappe dell'illustrissimo (?) Monsieur Filopanti, è emersa l'ipotesi che questo non sia un "modo di dire" vero ma un neologismo completamente gratuito scaturito dalla fornace cosmica della nostra età dello strullo (un po' come lo 'stitico di vetro', ma meglio...) e che a differenza delle altre si è cementata nel nostro gergo comune fino ad assurgere al ruolo di detto popolare posticcio.
- Completely unrelated fandom shit #1:
Trinity Blood Manga - Act 46 is out. I still have to read the previous chapters and not even read this, actually, but at the beginning of this chapter there are SHITLOADS of translated COMIC STRIPS that made me roll on the floor for ages....GO READ IT NOW! Pietro getting loving from boys... Dietrich and Radu the Host... shojo Mars....... XDDDDD
- Completely unrelated fandom shit #2: so it seems Innovators really has no penis. Okay. I can live with it. BUT.... I just can't live with the knowledge that Feldt dye her hair, mostly because I don't get the reason why she would and I can't see the girl she was in s1 doing that already, and moreover... this means I have to re-adjust the colours of all my erotic dreams about her for the worst. As I was saying to ginny - honey, I forgot that way of saying about tapestry you teached me yesterday, I'm such fail! XD; - I want my cotton candy in pink. Period. So, I'll just pretend I 've never read
this post. Kidding, interesting stuff in there and I'm deeply gratefull to everyone that keep on sharing, but, leaving my hentai ramblings aside for a moment, and focusing on more serious stuff like Ribbons motivations and the purpose of Innovators' existence, I got a rant-bumblebee in my hear about side materials that you'd eventually know better about if the guys kept me waiting for my sequences some more time and I'll find myself without porn anything better to do...
- Semi-related IRL shit: seems we are not going to Florence to attend to
this open lecture on Galileo. Everybody is quite busy and I don't want to go on my own. *sigh* It's a pity, I was longing to witness some epic bitchfight that was very likely to happen given the premises...
E visto che ci sono, vi pimpo anche
QUESTO VIDEO perchè ho un istantaneo desiderio di ri-usare il tag 'omino col cappello', e perchè voglio invecchiare esattamente così. Fuck yeah X2!