It is a lovely Sunday morning. He's gaming, I'm writing.
Or, rather, editing. I am halfway through The Artful Edit: On the practice of editing yourself by Susan Bell [
Website] [
Goodreads]. As a practical exercise, I've started transferring my Hufflepuff fic from ffnet to AO3 (about time!), with an intensive edit after leaving it untouched for several years. Editing yourself is entertaining (when not obsessive). I only wish I had more time, but that is adult life: make the most of what little you have.
We've finished South Park: The Stick of Truth twice already, as a thief and as a jew. What a gem of a game for any South Park fan! I felt giddy and happy all the way, both times. And shocked, too, at every turn. They go SO far with the over-the-top jokes you can't really believe it, even after so many seasons. Aaah, I adore those characters! I love it, too, when you change between Kyle and Cartman as partners and they both say lines about each other like lovers after a quarrel. One of Kyle's lines is from that song Cartman used to confess his love for him during that basketball game. Fake love or not, Cartman does want Kyle to lick his balls. So far he's only achieved it in his imagination-land.
The Minions were as cute++ as usual, but the plot was meh.
Enjoyed Jurassic World moderatedly, but am enjoying the parodies even more.
Loved Kingsman very, very, very much.