
Oct 05, 2011 20:35

Since this weekend, the monitor on my computer has been streaking and growing dim. This morning I turned it on and it stayed on for about 1/2 minute before it went black. Multiple turning on and off's of the computer didn't work. So, I took it to Best Buy (which is where I bought it) to see if 1. I still had a warranty and 2. what could be done.

Got told that I could go on the internet and buy someone else's computer and have BB replace it. I'm not reallly sure I'd want to do that. Much as it isn't like you can virus a monitor, I'm still not really sure I want to trust another computer like that. So, I decided to ask them to dump the contents of my computer onto a 500gig disk. So, I bought the disk, wrote a check for it and the service. No problem.

We walked to the back of the store so I could buy a new computer. Picked this lovely Toshiba Satellite (the last one was one, too) and got someone to come over. They had it in stock and we went to ring it up. I wrote a check and suddenly got told it was declined. I have enough $$ in the account. So I didn't understand why it wasn't going through. So, as we sat there, we called Telecheck to find out what the hell was wrong.

If they had said, "Insufficient funds", I would have figured that 1. my bank was currently offline due to some problem (they've had a few lately), 2. my account was in the middle of being processed for another check or something, so again, it was offline, 3. the check I'd written not 10 minutes ago was taking more of my $$ from the account sort of like the debit cards do or 4. Telecheck's policy is that you can't write 2 fairly large (or one not so large and one large) in the same shop in a short amount of time. #1-2 I would have understood best. #3 would have pissed me off at my bank and #4 would have me pissed off at Telecheck. That would be a very stupid policy, imo.

The woman I got was a mush mouth with a little tiny voice, so I had to keep asking her things over and over. The way she started talking I thought #4 was the reason. However, what I actually ended up was the following:

Telecheck, in the 10-15 minutes it took me to walk from the front of the store to the back of the store and make my choice, had lost my "profile". I had to tell them my home address, phone #, etc and keep telling her that yes, I lived there and no, it wasn't a business. And, to add insult to injury, I was also told that "this happens" - that they have a black hole that decides for absolutely no reason to tell people that they can't use their check.


What kind of fucking asswiping shit is this?! You can't write a check because they may just arbitrarily decide they don't want you to?! You can't write a check 10-15 minutes in the same place because the computer feels a need to dump your computer information?!

I told the woman that this whole pile of steaming crap was no way to run a business. Especially one that has such control over my ability to spend my money by the means I want to pay. As it was, I had to use a credit card, which I had wanted to avoid. OMG!!! What the fuck is this stupid organization up to?!
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