The end of Torchwood (S2) and the beginning of Doctor Who (S4)

Apr 05, 2008 21:34

I would have much preferred a few days respite following the Torchwood finale before Doctor Who was on, but it wasn't in the cards. This post isn't long, but to sum it up in one non-spoilery sentence.. Exit Wounds was emotional and fantastic and Doctor Who was enjoyable and shocking.

Oh how it took me more than a few episodes to really enjoy it.  I almost gave up, but I'm so glad that I didn't.  The characters grew on me and I adore them now.  There isn't one that I dislike.  In fact, it's so difficult to even choose favorites because there's something about each character that I really enjoy.

Anyway, I thought the finale was so painful yet so beautifully written and acted.  I loved Captain John, and how he had all of the right intentions in the end. I loved his reassuring words to Jack about it not being his fault. I loved Jack, quietly letting himself be buried to pay the price for losing his brother. His pain was shown all over his face.  I loved Gwen, with her doing all she could to rally the forces and hold down the fort. I loved that John kept calling Ianto 'Eye Candy'.  I was in awe of the story of how Jack was buried until being found by Torchwood in 1901, and then frozen until the exact moment he's needed. "I forgive you".

I hate hate hate that Owen and Tosh are gone.  Owen especially was one of my very favorites and to see him go just broke my heart. But I think the way the writers did it was genius.  It was written and portrayed so beautifully.  Owen went out so strong and courageous. Tosh was incredibly strong and selfless till the end, trying her best to save the man she loved.  Her line 'you're breaking my heart' sent buckets of tears down from me.  I couldn't believe that they were actually going to kill off two of the main cast right then and there.  But it was written and acted so beautifully.  It still broke my heart and I still have tears. And I still love the episode.

Doctor Who:
I had a great time watching this today with
humansrsuperior. We kicked everyone out of her living room and watched it on the big screen TV (which I'm still jealous of).  It was very enjoyable, as was the confidential. I thought the adipose were cute, even though they were just made of fat.. ick.  Donna was pretty much just what I expected. I don't dislike her and I don't love her.  However, I loved that she had her car packed and ready to go (HA!), and was actively searching for the Doctor because really, how can one go back to normal day to day life after traveling with him? What could compare?  What I am going to enjoy about her is her sense of humor AND the fact that she wont fall in love with the Doctor.  We don't need anymore love emotions... adventure it is!   Oh, and the Doctor is lovely as always! Loved his one-liners.. and his hair.

Speaking of 'love' emotions, I was quite happy to hear Donna ask about Rose. The Doctor's answer was bittersweet... 'still lost'. I seriously thought that it was great to get a bit about Rose, and nowhere near expected to actually see Rose in this!  Whoa!  It totally shocked me to see her there, looking very worried and displaced.  How totally cool to see her fade out of the picture as she walked off.  Dang, I must know what is going on with her.  There are so many questions, and not enough answers. It's gonna be a long season.

So anyway, yeah, I enjoyed the beginning of S4 of Doctor Who. It was fun... can't wait for more.

And OOH, don't you love it when you are listening to your music and you're hit with a video idea and you're so excited about it?  That's how I was at work today. Listened to the song a few times and my pulse began to race. I cannot wait to start.  Oh, and it's all Torchwood. Now just have to find the time.

torchwood, doctor who, vidding

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