Pan handling toddler.

May 10, 2007 23:33

My cars starter is acting up for like the 7th time. Three times the junkyard gave me the wrong starter, and eventually Dylan took the old one and junk yard one combining the parts of the two to make me one that lasted me for a couple months. I've had his car all week, minus yesterday when he needed it for work. My car still runs, but you randomly have to push start it which is quite simply not a good idea while hauling children. Unfortunately I have not really done anything all week while I have had the nice car at my disposal. Go figure. The only time I would have really used it was to go to mayna's playgroup yesterday. d'oh. Hopefully this weekend Dylan will have the time to put a NEW *gasp* starter in the car and stop these problems. I am so incredibly thankful that it has never died on me while we were out.

Anyways. Yesterday after I finally got the car started, I went to Kohls looking for some shorts to buy to get me through this summer or till I lose this weight. I have been refusing to buy many if any clothes till I reach my pre-pregnancy weight. A month ago I bought a new pair of jeans since my last pair I could fit in had gotten way too big on me. Now of course the new ones are far too big as well. Yes, it's good that I have gone down in size, but my weight has still hardly budged and I still am quite large. I wish a larger chunk of weight would come off and maybe just plateau for a while. This whole 1 to 2 lbs stuff is getting old and costing too much to keep pants around that do not fall off, yet manage to not give me a muffin top. ;P The whole trip ended up worthless though and I could not find but a couple things in my range of sizes and they either fit weird, too expensiv, or were just plain ulgy. I always feel quite defeated after I go clothes shopping.

On a lighter note, I am apparently raising a pan handler!@? Layne found a spiderman toy he really liked at Kohls while I was browsing in the kids section (As I usually do when I need a break from shopping for myself). He kept carrying it around and was completely unwilling to put it back on the shelf. Knowing how he tends to have a short attention span, I figured he would just drop it and move onto something else pretty quick. Wrong. The ENTIRE time we were in the store he would not let go of him. Now, the funny part of it all is not him carrying it around, it's the fact that he was running up to just about everyone he saw to show it off then ask them "Money in (your) pocket?" He was bumming for money! I was pretty embarrassed, and apologized to a lot of people. He would not let up and kept asking them. Thankfully everyone he approached was very much amused and not at all annoyed by his vagrant-wannabe-ways. I am kind of shocked that he even comprehends the need for money. He knows he needs money for vending machine type situations, but a toy on a shelf? It just suprised me.

I should probably elaborate on the origin of his money seeking ways. Usually every Monday I pick up lunch from Chipotle for my Mom, me, and the kids. I take it to her work at the American Legion and we eat there while she is prepping for opening for the day. They have pay to play pool tables that he has always amused his self by putting the cue ball into the pockets over and over and watching it come back to the return. My moms friend gave him quarters and he quickly figured out how to put them in the the slots and push it in. To him, that was the -best-thing-ever- Now everytime we are there he harrasses everyone about "coins" constantly. I've been trying to explain to him that he should not go around asking everyone for money, but it's pretty hard to simplify it enough for him to understand. Or atleast, for him to relate to or appericiate what I am saying. It's cute now, but I can only imagine the trouble of this later on down the road.
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