Unlike Kerie, Corinne does not suck at motherhood.
She even ventures so far as to teach her daughter to talk.
By the way, Claire is insanely cute.
You get one guess as to who the only adult home was when Claire played in the street.
Fortunately, Claire was not permanently maimed by any vehicles, and we can proceed to Bridget's birthday.
She looks the same.
Inside, Corinne is starting to get pissy because Jess just can't keep his damn face out of his plate for whatever reason.
Then Kerie attacked Corinne while Bridget did some freaky exorcist shit with her head.
By the way, Bridget runs around the house like she's on speed. 10 Active points does that, I suppose.
She runs outside (in her nightgown) to meet the matchmaker.
No, not the gross maid.
Bridget: "Bitch, please, you have flowing pink hair."
"Ohhh, you're a business tycoon?"
Jess shows us his smooth moves while Bridget is outside making man-friends.
I accidentally deleted my default eyes, and didn't feel like redownloading and editing and then making them into defaults again. Argh. Not much of a difference, though. Corinne looks prettier, but Claire looks kind of funny.
Kerie continues to be a useless pile of useless.
I swear this is the last cute Claire spam. Because she stops getting cute and starts getting annoying really quick.
Grim came for Kerie. It's about time
Jess was totally devastated. Uh, alright. I wasn't aware you knew she existed, Jess.
And Kerie's death marks the start of Claire's career in Professional Bitching.
Corinne's been hitting the pipe, I think.
Bridget's still putting moves on Flowing Pink Hair.
He agreed to move in. And now I will call him by his real name, which is Todd Something-or-Other.
Claire's birthday is next.
Cute kid. Finally, no more Elyse lips!
Too bad she is the whiniest sim child I have EVER seen. More about her later.
Corinne became a celebrity chef, just like her daddy. Cha-ching.
Bridget finally put on some clothes. Now her boyfriend isn't wearing his.
Cody's attempting to flirt with some blonde girl. Is she even legal!?
Yeah, Cody, you totally just sprinted 12 feet over the boundary of "skeevy old man".
The blonde girl has some sort of vendetta against Corinne and kept glaring her down the entire time she was over.
Taking advantage of a moment where both were fully clothed for once, Todd proposed. She accepted.
And then she gave me that look when I told her to hug him.
Back to bitching Claire.
"I hate homework!"
"Eww, chess sucks!"
The only things she does seem to like are her daddy and being read to.
GTFO and take your puddles with you, Benny. D<
Corinne's pregnant again. Que the crazy.
As the first of many events in an awful pregnancy, she catches the house on fire.
Again, Claire is only happy when she's being read to. Bookworm.
She goes back to her incessant crying afterwards, though.
I don't think she's listening, Bridget.
Bridget: "Perhaps you should have stopped at one."
Lather, rinse, and repeat. God, Claire, would it kill you to smile!?
Bridget and Todd are attempting to get married, but all Bridget can think about it how ugly Jess is. Well, I hate to break it to you, Bridget, but besides that weird vampire guy, he's the only one who actually bothered coming to your ceremony.
Who the fuck are you!?
Corinne was busy being a lunatic at the buffet table. She is totally off her rocker since she got pregnant.
Claire's clogging up the aisle and bitching about the fact that there's nothing to bitch about, I suppose.
Corinne: You're gonna grow up soon and be a big sister!
Claire: (insert inane whining here)
Corinne then goes to have a breakdown in the kitchen because she has lost her damn mind.
And Claire doesn't even stop the bitchface in her sleep.
In an effort to stop her incessant crying, I let her stay home from school (not that she ever actually gets on the bus without me telling her to). She invited over her friend.
They get to the gaming. Corinne doesn't care that her kid is skipping school. Then again, Corinne has temporarily gone batshit.
They also tell secrets about sims loooong dead. Alright then.
Claire's friend is a little freaked out at family smustle time, though.
Claire's friend: WTF!?
"Heh... I don't know these people..."
Jess and his sanitary habits never cease to confuse me.
Kerie shows up to cry about being dead. Don't care, go away forever please.
No, Corinne. NO. Please return to a normal mental state after your pregnancy, I'm begging you.
She went into labor. Todd and Bridget were too busy trying to get into each other's pants to notice.
It's a girl, who looks to be a Claire-clone. I don't really care, though. It's last generation, I don't need to pick heirs!
Well. Shit. That just ruins everything. And explains a lot about Corinne's psychosis.
It's a boy, with the same eyes and hair as his sisters, and skin a shade darker. The girl is Caleigh and the boy is Camden.
Bridget: Shit. Now I'm infertile because my damn sister and her kids took up all the house space.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corinne and her god damned twins ruined my double-heiring plan. She had to go and have them like, 5 sims minutes before Bridget could get pregnant. SO CLOSE. Sigh. *goes off to find the Allow-More-than-8-Sims hack*