Nov 18, 2007 15:43
my cat just LOVES to step on my keyboard.
It makes typing up papers feel like the fucking Olympics. I'm typing with three fingers while using the other hand to pick him up, lift him off, put him down, pick him up, lift him off, put him down... persistent little bastard.
I bought 'rescue remedy' to help with my nerves. You're supposed to put about 4 drops in a glass of water or directly on your tongue. I'll likely drink half the bottle for my TDOR speech on Tuesday. I think it's like 23% alcohol or something... I have the speech pretty well written up, so at least that is taken care of.
Now I need to concentrate on getting my proposal finished for the TransSomaTechnics conference happening in Vancouver. I want to submit a paper, but for some reason I just feel like my work isn't good enough. I've been reading through parts of my undergraduate thesis and thinking to myself, I really thought I could get this published? Jesus Christ. It needs a LOT of work. I don't even know where to begin.
I think I'm going to submit a revised version of the chapter on bureaucracy, and I really need to familiarize myself with the current legal status of trans people in Canada. I honestly have no idea where to start in terms of knowing my way around the law...
Perhaps others can help me - Are trans people in Canada covered under the Disability Act? Do we actually have a disability act? When was it last updated? Can trans people in Canada access disability income through GID? Also, are trans people EXPLICITLY covered under the Canada Human Rights Act? Or have they had to make 'sex' work for them through court cases? Have there been court cases in Canada where trans people have slipped through the cracks in terms of being recognized as male or female? Are the legal practices different in Quebec than the rest of Canada?