My sister and I once had a discussion how was the best way to see a person for who they, " really are". My sister thinks you can tell a person by looking in their glove compartment or their bed room if they don't have a car.
Since after that discussion for some reason I've been dying to take pictures of my bedroom (unfortunatly I don't have a glove
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I wish I could get a new camera (this one pretty much sucks unless you're out in broad daylight) but alas, we're saving money right now. And it's not like it's somehow urgent... I just want to take better photos.
I bought it at the Imperial War Museum in London. X3 It's one of those "Careless Talk Costs Lives" ones; this one, to be more exact. I thought it was cute. :3 Except for that one, I only have the classical Swedish WWII poster over my bed... And some stuff completely unrelated to any war ( ... )
All your folklore posts and history posts keep me entertained, especially since they are from a point of veiw from someone of the area which they originate.
A camera wasn't on the top of my list but my sister got the family camera stolen. So for 6 months we were cameraless, and I wanted one in college so I can take pictures of the new people I will meet. ( my sister can creep on them...)Aww the posters are cute! I love the double meaning of the tiger one. As you can see I have a bunch of other stuff in my bedroom(from Erté to the Pre-Raphealite random things on the net ( ... )
Cause I totally don't have a wee little obession with national dress
I think my next entry is going to be some sewing stuff I've done but unfortunatly it shows my face. (Not that I'm ugly persay...but I don't know strangers)
I had to take an art history class and fell even more in love with art. (Too bad I have no artistic skills) I mean when I was young I loved it because my mother had a bunch of coffee table books with famous art works but I really got to understand the different movements and how to tell what art is from what period.
(In college I have to take an art history course for my intended minor and I'm so excited to take it...It's sad the I'm more excited to go to college for the courses instead of the parties)
Ohhh what do you want to be?
(sorry I'm very nosy)I bet if you put ( ... )
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