I think two things tell the very soul of who you are...

Jun 25, 2010 12:56

My sister and I once had a discussion how was the best way to see a person for who they, " really are". My sister thinks you can tell a person by looking in their glove compartment or their bed room if they don't have a car.

Since after that discussion for some reason I've been dying to take pictures of my bedroom (unfortunatly I don't have a glove ( Read more... )


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letthemhavepie June 26 2010, 15:36:27 UTC
Nah, but I like reading your pointless entries. (Actually some aren't really pointless, you have good points). I mean I'm always so nervous to post stuff in my journal, none the less my research stuff. I always feel like if I get it wrong people will judge me hard. (Plus it's always hard to tell what's fact from fiction these days)
All your folklore posts and history posts keep me entertained, especially since they are from a point of veiw from someone of the area which they originate.

A camera wasn't on the top of my list but my sister got the family camera stolen. So for 6 months we were cameraless, and I wanted one in college so I can take pictures of the new people I will meet. (...so my sister can creep on them...)

Aww the posters are cute! I love the double meaning of the tiger one. As you can see I have a bunch of other stuff in my bedroom(from Erté to the Pre-Raphealite brotherhood...to random things on the net)

Yeah up till I was ten I wanted to be a palentologist. Then I was stupid and wanted to be a stage actress then a biochemist, and now museam curator. (I wanna go to the Swedish National Museam of Natrual History...)

Yeah just sing and hope their frail little minds can't understand the lyrics.
(I will totally look out for that post if you do it)

Aww that's such a sweet story. Too bad reading Norse myths over here labels you as a black metal crazed psychopath who lives in the basement and says prayers to Thor for revenge over the rejected love advances... Urgg It's not all about Ragnarök and hawt sheild maidens.

(Yeah I had bunches of fun reading the original Gynt stories when I did costume designs for Peer Gynt by Ibsen. ((My teacher though, thought I did waaayyy too much reseach for that project)) Even if Peer Gynt was somewhat of a satire of, "Norwegianism." )

It's hard to find sites that I can trust... Maybe I should be more trusting of the internet.

That site is BOSS...okay I said boss, but serisouly it's pretty cool. I love the information about the American Swedish translations. (Swenglish is oddly fun to say)
*downloads into ipod*
Honestly I love old music. I think the sound quality of the day gives it character.

Oh talking about the tubercolosis song you told me about. It reminded me of this essay discussing how back in the 19th century tubercolosis represented in a way the, "ideal," women because the disease makes you paled and flushed with red lips but you are frail and weak. There was some more stuff but it was really interesting to read about... sort of off topic sorry.

(Dang you make me write long responses, but it really quite fun)


taiyou_to_tsuki June 26 2010, 16:28:33 UTC
I feel that way when posting to communities... But it's pretty much worn off by now when it comes to making entries in my journal. I think you should give it a go. You could always post a disclaimer. XD Plus it could become an opportunity for other people to clarify or add things to the topic. And it's always rewarding when people show their appreciation, or ask questions. :3

I have other stuff on the walls too~ Lots of postcards from different museums and countries, a detail from da Vinci's Madonna of the Rocks, two calendars (one with Monet's paintings), a poster of folk art from Dalarna featuring Karl XIV Johan (|D), a Venetian mask... I like art.

Between my tenth and sixteenth year, I didn't really have any idea of what I wanted to be. Good thing I managed to figure it out at all though. X9 (It's not really that impressive... XD)

(Heh, I'm just afraid I won't find enough songs...)

Hm, really? Never got that impression here. In sixth or seventh grade we were REQUIRED to read Norse and Greek myths in Swedish class, as well as fairytales... 'S definitely not limited to psychopaths, lol.

I keep thinking, I'd like to make a site about Scandinavian folklore. Because there really isn't any particularly good one out there right now. About the creatures, and the plants and animals and how they figurated... *Nods* But it's too much work, and I don't know shit about making pages. XP

I'm quite fond of that page, 's the reason I saved it to begin with. :3

That sounds pretty sick, to be honest... Somehow can't see that as having been accepted except for in upper class families then, if it was at all. Weak and frail women weren't really useful in the farmers' society Sweden still was.



letthemhavepie June 28 2010, 04:21:45 UTC
Yeah I just tend to get a tad paranoid. I should do it some time! I think I'll probably do one on different national costumes of the nordics countries/areas (cause Norway loves their different bunads) and how they evolved to their current state.
Cause I totally don't have a wee little obession with national dress

I think my next entry is going to be some sewing stuff I've done but unfortunatly it shows my face. (Not that I'm ugly persay...but I don't know strangers)

I had to take an art history class and fell even more in love with art. (Too bad I have no artistic skills) I mean when I was young I loved it because my mother had a bunch of coffee table books with famous art works but I really got to understand the different movements and how to tell what art is from what period.
(In college I have to take an art history course for my intended minor and I'm so excited to take it...It's sad the I'm more excited to go to college for the courses instead of the parties)

Ohhh what do you want to be?
(sorry I'm very nosy)
I bet if you put as much dedication as you do with your research you'll be great.

(I bet there's bunches of lullabyes out there, just waiting to be found. I would love to help find some...but I don't understand any of the Nordic languages.)
((except for my sad attempted to learn Icelandic...damn you að vera))

Yeah that's a States sterotype. Maybe because we associate Norse mythology with vikings and we associate vikings with rapeing and pillageing. I would love to learn Norse mythology in class, luckly we do learn some Greek/Roman mythology in freashmen year or if you take a latin class. Truth be told I wish they would give a whole background course on folklore and certain,"allusions" that pop up all the time. It's sad how some people can't get a basic allusion because they don't know the original story.

DO IT! (I can't help you with the coding though...seriously I fail at technology. It took my like 10xs to finally learn how to use an Lj cut) You seem pretty knowlegable and then you can show it to a teacher or something and they might connect you with people.
I mean what's cooler then putting on your resume that you did a whole webpage devoted to Scandinavian foklore? Tis pretty awsome my dear.

I thank thee for saving that page.
all the boys totally dig my Swedish folk songs...okay not really but I can dream...right? RIGHT?

...And that's why Sweden was the first country to have conditional female voteing (but you had to have taxed land), cause you have bad ass women who do stuff instead of British and American women who were told to embroider all day. (I mean Queen Chirstina, Ulrika Eleonora, I mean heck even in folklore/norse mytholgy Hervor, and Blenda the women we all pretty b a). We had to wait all the way till 1920, when you guys got it in the 18th century. Lucky punks.


taiyou_to_tsuki June 28 2010, 13:34:09 UTC
Sometimes looking for Swedish folk costumes feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack. At least, finding decent photos and descriptions of them from all parts of the countries. Thank God I live in Stockholm and the Nordic Museum provides some at least.

I don't know where my interest in art comes from... I've always liked to draw, that's all I can say. But no one in the family was ever an art buff, so I don't think there's been any clear influence.

I want to work with ethnology. So yeah, all the research I do will probably come in handy if things go my way. xD

(I want to learn Icelandic. But it's kind of, you know, put aside because of my school's "have to have studied five languages for at least one year when you graduate" policy. Icelandic is not one of them. xD I also really like Danish. I already understand most of it, but I'd like to take a course because I can... =3=)

Well, in the States people also associate vikings with horned helmets, so we can see how reliable that stereotype is. xD Mythology is very important though, it pops up a lot in art and literature... Everybody should know basic mythology, I think. It's general knowledge. D:

I WOULD if I knew a thing about coding or just... Creating websites at all. Alas, I don't. It's a bit sad, I would love to make a decent page with source references, regional differences quoted examples, not just watered down generalisations which is what I usually encounter...

Hmm? Swedish women didn't get to vote until 1921. If we had it during the time of Liberty it was revoked pretty quickly. xD I don't really think we're exceptional in that area... I love the legend of Blända though. Because it was mainly made up by a guy who tried to preserve the unique herital rights of the women in Värend county (same inheritance rights as men, to be escorted by military music at weddings, for example). Funny thing is, it worked. xD


letthemhavepie June 28 2010, 14:43:46 UTC
Yeah it is sometimes like that, sometimes like the only picture from a region I can find is on a stamp and well that isn't very detailed, and some regions are more supportative of wearing traditional outfits during festivals and such.
I swear I spent like a week trying to find any pictures of Aland's costume it was just a grrr inducing week.
...I envy you. (I should probably check out the Nordic Museam webpage)

Oh that's an awsome job! Yeah you can probably use some of the research you've done to write a banging dessertation.

(Damn 5 languages... crap over here is take a language for two years and hope you have a teacher that cares that you learn it. That pretty awsome. What languages are you learing or did you learn (well other than the obvious Swedish, and English)? I find each language has their own beauty. Icelandic has this beautiful rustic feeling and back of pallette (spelling that wrong) sound and how they smash together words to make perfect sense, while Danish some people think sound like a garbled potatoe has a rougher to the point sound, but it also sounds a little bit Mid Western American accent...that just maybe me though. Watch my observations are wrong and I should get my ears checked)

Seriously it's bad our sterotype, it's really sad. (A horned helmet would be definatly impractical during close quartered battle. DUH...Dang you nationlists trying to make it all bad ass looking) I definatly agree with you there. I think it also promotes a basic understanding of people to see their past beliefs and see all the common themes.

Maybe one day you'll take a computer class, or better yet befriend someone with awsome codeing skills, and then you can make your beautiful webpage with all the quotes and stories you want, and it shall be fabulous.

Oh look it got rescended in 1758...well you go the right to vote in regional elections again in 1862 while our first state didn't get the right to vote in regional elections until 1869... That's somewhat something.
The guy who made up that legend is so awsome. Seriously I bet he had the ladies digging his love of female heridal rights.
Now you got me quite interested in the background story of Blända, since usually those sort of, "campaigns," don't usually work.

(must stop typeing long replies)


taiyou_to_tsuki June 28 2010, 21:11:24 UTC
The Nordic Museum does have an online textile archive that you can search through. Has to be in Swedish though.

Yes~ I would love it, I'm quite sure. Can't help but worry a bit about income and such though, I don't think it's a very sought after profession... =3=

(Well, I'm studying a linguistic alignment of upper secondary school, so I have two extra languages. 'S usually only Swedish, English, and from sixth grade and up a third language; Spanish, French or German. Now in upper secondary I still have to study Spanish, since I picked it in sixth grade, which sucks because I find it completely uninteresting. I will probably skip it the second year and read German the last instead so I still meet the language requirements. Other than that, I study Russian, and come this Autumn we'll all start Latin. :) I think all Germanic languages have an amazing ability to mash together new words by combining already existing ones. It's one reason I find Swedish poetry more fun than English. XP)

Mm. I like to say that if everybody got to study ethnology, we might just take a step closer to world peace. If there's anything I've learnt by studying folklore and traditional music, it's that people are fundamentally the same wherever you are. =3=

I can wish, yes... Because there's no way I'd take a computer class. Numbers scare me.

... Yay. xD And yes, it's a bit funny that way. I don't think people were very involved in the women's rights movement in the 1600s after all. XP


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