- Post a list of your five favorite kinks/acts or themes you like to read about in your journal. Inspiration can be found
here. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the
master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists and post comment-fic based off their themes.
- The Five Acts Meme will last from the 28th August to the 6th September.
1. Everyone-knows-but-us scenarios. Preferably of the "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND" variety with lots and lots of snark and awkward kisses and possibly people placing bets.
2. Dub-con with a healthy side of mind games. Um.
3. Sex pollen. Especially if it manages to be cracky and hot at the same time.
4. BEST FRIEND CRUSHES, this should probably be number one. I love it when there's all this pining and eventually one of them's just like FORGET THIS, SEX NOW and the other is all WHOA WHAT immediately followed by AWESOME. Fuckbuddies of the Brittany/Santana variety fall under this category.
5. Hero worship.
Kingdom Hearts: Axel/Roxas, OT5 (plus Axel), Sora/Riku/Kairi and all variations thereof, Pence/Olette, Axel/Naminé, Riku/Naminé, Larxene/anyone, Marluxia/Larxene, Marluxia/Naminé, Kairi/Naminé, Axel/Kairi, Roxas/Riku, Axel/Sora/Roxas, Selphie/Kairi, no BBS spoilers please!
Glee: Brittany/Santana, Finn/Rachel, Jesse/Rachel, Rachel/Mercedes, Finn/Mercedes, Mercedes/Puck, Artie/Tina, Finn/Puck, Finn/Kurt, Jesse/Kurt, Rachel/Kurt, Finn/Quinn, Artie/Quinn, Quinn/Mercedes, Quinn/Brittany/Santana, Will/Rachel, Will/Finn (stop looking at me like that), Will/Emma, Jesse/Shelby
Percy Jackson: Percy/Annabeth/Nico/Rachel (any and all variations), Percy/Luke, Annabeth/Luke, Luke/Annabeth/Thalia, Apollo/anyone, Sally/Poseidon, Nico/Bianca, Bianca/Zoe
Doctor Who: Eleven/Amy/Rory, Amy/River, River/Eleven, Rose/Ten, Martha/Donna, Ten/Donna, TARDIS/anyone, Doctor/Master
Avatar: Aang/Katara, Sokka/Toph, Toph/Suki, Sokka/Suki, Katara/Toph, Suki/Katara, Zuko/Aang, Mai/Zuko, Sokka/Zuko, Zuko/Azula, Azula/Mai/Ty Lee
FMA: Ed/Winry, Ed/Winry/Al, Roy/Riza, Elricest, Al/Mei, Al/Paninya, Roy/Ed
Ouran: Tamaki/Haruhi, Tamaki/Kyoya, Kyoya/Haruhi, Hikaru/Kaoru/Haruhi
Narnia RPF: Skandar/Anna, Anna/Georgie, Georgie/Will P., Will/Skandar, Will/Georgie
Harry Potter: Harry/Ron/Hermione (all variations), Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Ginny, Fred/George, Luna/Ginny, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Fred/George, Ron/Luna, Draco/anyone
True Blood: Jason/Sookie, Tara/Sookie, Sam/Tara, Pam/Sookie, Pam/Jessica, Jessica/Sookie, Hoyt/Jessica, Eric/Sookie, Bill/Sookie, Eric/Jason
Buffy: Spike/Drusilla, Buffy/Xander/Willow (all variations), Spike/Angel, Willow/Tara, Willow/Oz, Buffy/Riley, Buffy/Angel, Xander/Cordelia
DC: Bruce/Dick, Dick/Tim, Dick/Jason, Dick/Babs, Dinah/Babs, Tim/Steph, Steph/Cass, Helena/Dinah, Helena/Babs, Booster/Ted, Tim/Kon, Guy/Kyle, Guy/Tora, Babs/Steph, Cass/Kon, Bruce/Jason, Jaime/anybody