I've started a comm called
tkpfic. At the moment, I'm going to use tkpfic in order to host all of my old fanfic. By "old" fanfic I mean fics that I wrote previous to becoming active on lj, which refers exclusively to non-Jossverse fics. The fandoms include but are not limited to: movieverse X-men, Phantom of the Opera, The Sound of Music, L.M.
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Comments 21
Re: insta!lust.
I'd love to read your POTO fic. I was watching the movie the other night - Gerry, mmmm - and had a gradual epiphany about it.
POTO! I actually didn't very much enjoy the movie, but I do love so many of POTO's incarnations. my_daroga has some excellent POTO fic right here, though if you're only familiar with the Gerard Butler movie, I should warn you hers is mostly book based. The POTO fics I've written might not be quite what you're looking for either. One is a WIP that only got up to 3 chapters that uses influences from the book heavily; the other is based on a published POTO fanfiction, called Phantom, by Susan Kay (if you like POTO you might like that book. It's utter crack, reads like fanfiction, but I mean...if you like crack, it's for you! It's out of print though.)
What was your epiphany?
Eeeee! You so should read my_daroga, then. Kissing The Frog is a great one about the NONromance that is POTO.
I actually *like* the Christine of the Leroux novel. I actually also kinda like the Christine of the ALW musical. However I'm becoming more and more convinced that Emmy Rossum's character is batshit-fuckin-insane.
That's so cool you read Kay! The series of fics I did was actually... "fix-it" for Kay's novel.
I'm posting the POTO fics tomorrow, I think. Thanks for being interested!
And- yes- any time you want a web site, just say the word.
Thanks sooo much. I think I asked you this before, but: if Octaves hosted it, I'd still be able to build it myself and make it look how I want, right? Ever since you asked I've been trying to plan out how I would want it to look and stuff, because I'm particular about the kind of web sites I like. Octaves itself, for instance, is gorgeous, so easy to navigate, easy to read, professional looking...other websites...aren't...
Thanks so much for the offer. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
And no matter how much I love you, I will not read those SoM fics where Maria molests her under age charges. Don't even try to deny it. (Stoney123, otoh, is already salivating.)
DUDE. underage!Maria/ Captain, on ff.n, I kid you not (uh, not authored by me). Of course, we all know Friedrich has a crush on Maria. imnotacommittee knows it; there was noir!Friedrich with French blinds and shadow. *nods* But only stoney321 would put Maria!Spike in a sparkly unitard for his marriage to Captain Angel (she did go there. Yes she did. With songs. It horrifies me to this day).
offered me space forever ago though, so I already have a little nook if I want. Thanks again, though.
The offer has no expiration date.
You mean I get to read the Jane Austen?! Did you write in Jane Austen?!
Shiny!! So very very very shiny!!
One was an Emma fic that I think may be lost forever, as it got deleted when the archive I had it on did a big rehaul. But I *think* I have it backed up somewhere.
The other is an S&S fic that I never posted anywhere and I don't think got *anywhere* at *all.*
These were some of my first attempts at fanfiction; I think I would do better with them now. I say "some of my" because I've actually been writing fanfic (without knowing other people did, or what to call it) since I was a little kid, but most of my bitsy!Joykins!fics are lost.
If you *do* want good JA fic though, there was an author on that particular web site I mentioned who was very good at writing romance novel-y kinds; I can link you up to her.
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