Mar 02, 2007 12:49

I've started a comm called tkpfic. At the moment, I'm going to use tkpfic in order to host all of my old fanfic. By "old" fanfic I mean fics that I wrote previous to becoming active on lj, which refers exclusively to non-Jossverse fics. The fandoms include but are not limited to: movieverse X-men, Phantom of the Opera, The Sound of Music, L.M. Montgomery, The Godfather, Ever After, and yeah, I don't even know what. Many of these fics are unfinished WIPs, all of which I hope one day to finish (though the Alias and the Gilmore Girls ones are in high doubt); a few are one shots or series. Many of them were posted under a different pen name. Some are very old.

In the future, I hope tkpfic to serve two more purposes: 1. To host any other fic I might write in other fandoms again (I feel like if I say something like that, someone I know might burst into tears. Or someone else I know might kinda kill me. I am writing HP fic, but I'm not admitting it to myself. 56.4% of people polled think HP fandom is fucking scary. I tend to agree). 2. To host my kajilliondy billion word Buffyverse B/A Angel-goes-nuts epic thingy, and any other Really Long fics I might write. Since I resolved to no longer inflict WIPs on the world (read: chrisleeoctaves. Which is sad, because I made her read it while it is yet unfinished), this fic will be posted nearly all at once (when it's finished. It's not. But I hope to do it for lynnevitational), or spead over a few days or weeks. Even posted over a few weeks, this fic is so massive that I don't really want to clog my flist. Even if you want me to clog my flist, I'd like the fic in a more contained place, not interspersed with crack polls and emo and wanting to know why 'shipper fics must have insta!lust (no, really, insta!lust is getting annoying).

However, yon' friends! Hope is ahead for ye, for most need not friend tkpfic! On this journal, tkp, I'll be posting normal fic headers and then fake cuts to every new Jossverse story I write. Ongoing fics or series that I've started on this journal will show updates here. When I post the Epic That Ate My Brain, I'll announce it here, and though I won't announce every chapter (that would defeat the point), I'll keep you updated so you know when it's done posting, for those who would like to read it straight through. If you decide you'd like to read it as it comes instead, you can friend tkpfic and then defriend it when I finish, no big. The same goes for any multi-chaptered fic I may ever post at tkpfic in the future: there will be header info here on tkp and notifications when it's finished (or something like every 10 chapters, if I ever do anything as long again as Epic of Doom). And the same goes for any other non-Jossverse fic I write: you will be informed of it here. Whether you like it or not. The same goes for when I finish some of my older work. And the same goes for right now, as I post my older stuff: I'm going to be telling you what's going up there, and you can choose to click the fake cuts if it's something that interests you.

The only reason you'd want to friend tkpfic is if you want to read every word of fic I've ever written regardless of fandom or length. Even I don't even really want to do that! Some day, (if chrisleeoctaves is still up for it) I'm going to have a website and it's going to have my Stuff in it in one place, all the pretty Jossverse fic and hopefully some other crap. Ooh, and essays.


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