Hey kids, this is the first of many points made from Boston. I'm up here for orientation and I just got through with making my very first college schedule. It actually kind of sucks, but it's only for four months and it's getting a lot of the really shitty stuff out of the way so I can take the cool classes later. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
OMFG HARRY POTTER TOMORROW. Very rarely, if ever, do I post about my addiction to Harry Potter. My addiction to boys? Frequently. Pot? Often. The Office? Sometimes. But never Harry Potter, the motherload of all my obsessions. It's funny how that stuff slips through the cracks.
I'm getting home from Orientation tomorrow night at seven, and I have to be completely rested up and ready to party hard at midnight. Since most of my regular friends aren't as enamored with The Boy Who Lived as I am, I've assembled a crew of die-hards who, in addition to knowing way too much about wizards, are really fucking cool. So it's going to be fun.
I have so much paperwork and stuff for college, it's ridiculous. All these notes and waivers... all I want to do is go to school. Is that so hard? I'm getting used to it though, and I already feel pretty at home here. I'm a lot happier than I generally like to admit.
Me and Jay are done (again). The
fight we had was just icing on the cake. It's okay though. Staying at school for a few days has really broadened my perspective. A) It's time I found someone with at least some ambition for something in their lives (unlike Jay), and b) there's just so many to choose from.
Ok I'm going to go shopping for some BU merchandise - if I have time later, I might just post again. Won't that be shocking?