Title: The Vampire's Gift
3hoursDisclaimer: I don't own the characters, just the setting/plot.
Rating: NC-17 eventually, the completed chapters are all PG-13
Warnings: There will be underage sex as per California law, however it is not underage in Montana where they are located, as that state has the age of consent lower. Sneaky sneaky.
Characters/Pairings: Spike/Willow, Spike/Buffy, Spike/lots of other women
Series: BtvS, goes AU in season 1
Summary: Simply said? This is a harem story. I had a very dramatic reaction to some angsty sad-ending fic and came up this story in which Spike gets all the love (but of course not without a bit of drama and hardship). This is why I don't read angsty sad-ending stories very often. Anyway, Buffy and Willow are kidnapped during Prophecy Girl and taken far away, where they find themselves in Spike's harem.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7tbc...
My goal was 80k words, which I failed miserably at :( I have written more than 80k words since letsgetitdone started, but unfortunately not exclusively on this fic. Turns out I'm incapable of focusing on one story only ;) I've got about 23k finished words though, and another 16k rough draft/unfinished scenes. Not a bad effort, though I wish I'd gotten further. Oh well, I shall gamely carry on!