Sep 08, 2009 14:47
German universities are such big fans of term papers. Thanks to the new modularized academic system in the German Bundesland of Hessen, this affinity for writing has taken on new heights. I am slaving away at 6 papers this summer, so I really do not have a break. But, it could be worse. Obviously.
My last academic semester is approaching, one which will open new doors for me, as well as a new chapter in my life. I look upon the future with much curiosity and fervor, as well as apprehension, though I am convinced it has many great and genial things in store for me. As teachers are state employees in Germany with many benefits and good pay, it is my humble duty to write a 60-page exam paper on a topic of my choosing with the approval of one of my 5 examiners. In one year from today I will be a transformed man, one of greater dignity and poise, knowing I have mastered the collegiate system in Germany. Wish me luck, folks.
I renewed my immunity to tetanus last Thursday, which also happened to be Opa's 73rd birthday. Little did I know I would awake the following morning with discomforting and turgid left triceps. I must have had some kind of internal allergic reaction to the shot...or the doctor just sucked at giving shots. Looking at my arm today, the swelling has nearly completely subsided; however, it is still very hot. The accompanying cold that may or may not have been caused by this reaction is nearly gone, as well.
As an extemporaneous side note, I listened to recordings of our high school choirs while I was showering this morning, immediately jettisoning me into the past. It is rather mind-boggling how distant 4 years can seem. I miss the simpleness and quaintness of high-school life. *Sighs*
Back to reading I go... I am preparing for my paper that seeks to explicate in what way(s) Jay Gatsby can be seen as being the American Adam. Genius, I tell you.
Ganz großes Kino.
Euer Jus