
Apr 02, 2008 22:34

Vexen-san! Vexen-san! I looked and looked and I finally found you a recipe! I couldn't really figure out what a garnish was though...so I hope this cake works!

I found a fishy cake! The recipe is here. ...Did I do good? Did I pass the experiment thing?

EDIT: H-Hiro-kun! Would you like to help me make cake? I know it's a weird time with all this stuff going on, but it's for Vexen-san's experiment and I have to make a lot and I don't think I can make it all all by myself! ...Please?

[ooc: She seems to be unaffected. Maybe she just can't get too much weirder. ;;;]

vexen-san, did i pass?, event, cake for 300ish, fish cake, ufo, hiro-kun

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