
Mar 26, 2008 17:45

[*All of a sudden, Kobato's walkie talkie turns on, after having been silent for over a day. She groans adorably as she sits up. She speaks into it, sounding rather...confused.*]

...What? D-Did something just happen? ...I feel kind of funny, like I was asleep a really long time.

[*She pauses as she begins to realise what's going on*]

T-THOSE ZOMBIE PEOPLE. ARE THEY STILL AROUND? Is everyone okay? Oh please, please be okay! They weren't very nice people! They tried to...they...



[*The rest of the transmission is random Kobato flailing, which is a mix of both random apologies for dying and freaking out about having died.*]

event, sakura-san, i'm alive!, haunter-san, zombies?!

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