Sep 17, 2011 16:30


Due to the continued blank state of the Wilderness, it has been decided between the division captains that deployment of manpower into the Wilderness is to be temporarily halted, effective immediately. While we will continue to assess and monitor the situation, it has been decided that the unpredictability of the Wilderness is too much of a liability to risk the safety of our men.

This does not, however, mean that Adventurers are exempt from their duties. You are to report to Headquarters as usual to receive your postings for the day; some of you will be redeployed to Administration and Records, others to Medical and some are to perform patrol duty around the islands and the civilian housing. You will be, in effect, serving as temporary aides to Captain Vimes' Watch, and I expect you to perform your duties respectfully and in a manner that will not call the integrity of the Adventurers into question. You will not be afforded the same rites as an official officer of the Watch; you will not have the power to perform arrests, nor are you to consider yourselves above the law. Where permissible you are to immediately hand responsibility to the nearest available Watchman or do your best to contain any potential situation until such time that one may appear on the scene.

Should you have any questions I will be happy to address them here.

Thank you.

today's orders are..., this place is a madhouse, taking care of business, this is your captain speaking

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