Adventurers' Administration

Jan 01, 2019 23:57


1. The Adventurers comprises of three separate, each overseeing a set responsibility in the organisation. These are:  
  • Reconnaissance and Cartography (Head of Division: Captain Locket)
  •  Armed Response and Combat (Head of Division: Captain Kiba)
  •  Administration and Records (Head of Division: Captain Target)

2. Teams would be organised according to mission requirements and what skills would be best suited to keeping Adventurers safe. Each potential group would be discussed and agreed on by the Heads of Division and then assigned teams would be announced by Target [ICly, either by means of a stickied entry in her journal or a weekly/bi-weekly journal entry], and comprise of no less than four people.

3. In addition to the three fields already mentioned, it would now be compulsory for all Adventurers’ squads to have at least one medically trained member of personnel. Co-operation with Medical would see to it that certain Adventurers receive medical training in basic field medicine to provide immediate emergency treatment to stabilise any injured party until they can be seen by Medical. Each medic would attend quarterly refresher sessions at Medical to keep their skills up to date. If, in the case of emergency, Medical became overwhelmed, medically trained Adventurers would be dispatched to help deal with the overflow.
  •  The medically trained Adventurers would not need to be exclusively restricted to the position of medic; they can also practice Combative or Reconnaissance duties on their squad. (Combative is not encouraged, as an injured medical expert defeats the objective.)
  •  It is mandatory that all Adventurers take a basic first aid course before being assigned to the field.

4. All potential Adventurers would undergo a short examination that would assess their combat and recon abilities in order to determine which field they would enter and their suitability for the position. 
  • Further training would be offered if needs be.

5. In each squad, the designated leader is responsible for carrying a journal with them at all times while on patrol in order to call for back-up should needs be and keep in contact with headquarters.

6. All Adventurers squads will depart for patrol in possession of basic kit pack. This would include the following: 
  • Distress flares x 3. 
  • Ammunition 
  • Map making equipment. 
  • Medical kit 
  • Lighting fluid and a flint 
  • Any additional equipment to help navigate the environment.
  • Each Adventurer is responsible for carrying his or her own camping equipment should their mission prove to be longer than a day.

7. No Adventurer is permitted to carry a weapon unless they have been assessed and certified as being a responsible user. There will be a zero tolerance policy for any Adventurer found to be wilfully misusing their weapon and will result in an official inquiry before the three Heads to assess the severity of the situation. Regardless of their decision, their behaviour will be officially recorded and, in most incidents, a strike given. A copy of the inquiry’s findings will be passed on to the Watch. Two strikes lead to immediate dismissal. In the most severe cases, the Watch will be called in to deal with the perpetrator. 
  • Assessments for ranged weapons will be carried out by Target and an independent referee (Aim). Assessments for melee weapons will be carried out by Kiba and an independent referee. (TBC)

8. Those employed with the Adventurers are expected to obey and follow the command of their superior officers. There is no place for insubordination in the ranks. Any Adventurer found to be deliberately disobedient will find themselves facing swift and serious disciplinary measures before all three Captains. Appeals on the matter may be considered provided there is real evidence to suggest that the insubordinate actions were carried out in the pursuit of a genuine concern for the safety of the petitioner's unit and/or in the interests of preservation of life.

N.B. Should the appeal find in favour of the petitioner, the conduct of the commanding officer would be subsequently investigated externally before a legal tribunal.

Anyone found to be dangerously insubordinate will face immediate dishonourable discharge from the Adventurers and in extremis, possible criminal charges.

9. All Adventurers are expected to adhere to any and all laws voted on in Edensphere to the letter, in addition to maintaining responsibility for their weaponry. When at all possible, it is recommended that they aid the Watch in upholding them should they find themselves in a position to do so.



HEAD OF DIVISION: Captain Locket

MISSION STATEMENT: Adventurers assigned to the R&C Division are responsible for gathering information about the state of the Wilderness and Islands and recording tand relaying hat information accordingly. They are also assigned the task of mapping certain areas and assessing whether or not they are safe for civilian visitation.

RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: Qualifications for my team of the Reconnaissance and Cartography Division are as follows:
  • Observant. (Both Recon and Cartography) It's one thing to set out and gather information, one thing to look around and mark what you've seen, but it's another thing entirely to notice the important details and make sure to note them. Knowing the condition of the rope bridge connecting two islands helps determine whether or not it's safe for others to travel... especially on a day of inclement weather! You don't need the eyes of a hawk, but it pays to keep your mind sharp. A sense of direction is also a plus.
  • Some Drawing Skill. (Cartography Only) I'm not looking for the next Picasso, but I'd like to be able to work out whether that blob you drew is an island or a hippopotamus.
  • Teamwork. (Recon Only) This is a given, of course. You're going to be assigned to varying groups on a regular basis, so it helps to be able to comfortably associate with others. More importantly, your information and guidance is an invaluable piece of what holds your team together and completes a mission. If you can see a soft spot in the enemy defenses or a quicker way out of a sticky situation, inform your team immediately. They're counting on you!
  • Flexible Schedule. (Both Recon and Cartography) I won't crack the whip unless I need to, and time off will be given to allow Adventurers a break. In a time of crisis, however, I ask that you are able to rise to the call of duty and provide any assistance you can. The Guard, the Watch, and all of Edensphere will need you when the going gets rough... and in some cases, it can get pretty hairy.

CURRENT STAFF:  of_mindelan , andcountry , skimpysandwich, iattractmushi,seeya_next_life, desertshadows, Magellan, Raleigh, Columbus, Compass, dwn_infinite , truthtouched



MISSION STATEMENT: Armed Response and Combat are Adventurers who specialise in combat. They are to operate in a defensive capacity should a situation become hostile while on a mission and act to ensure the safety of the team.

1. Know how to fight.
2. Don't be a dick.
3. Do as I say.

[Addendum: In addition to Captain Kiba's requirements, all Adventurers serving in the AR&C Division are expected to keep their skills honed in their own time, and must submit to regular fitness training and medical assessment. They are responsible not only for their own safety, but also the safety of their squad as a whole when carrying out field work. It is the responsibility of ALL AR&C personnel to ensure that they are fit and able to act, and they are encouraged to be vigilant of the welfare of their colleagues. They must also be willing, during times of emergency, to offer their services to the Guard and Watch, and carry out their orders without question.]

CURRENT STAFF:   pimpcoatbankai , kisameisafish, ruby_nova, poisondango

[N.B. '*' Denotes a recruit having expressed an interest in potentially serving in a R&C position.]


HEAD OF DIVISION: Captain Target

MISSION STATEMENT: The Administration and Records division are responsible for overseeing the intake of new recruits and assigning them to their respective divisions, ensuring that all records are kept up to date with regards to Adventurers personnel, the Islands and the Wilderness and intelligence on missing persons. A&R is also responsible for arranging assessments and training exercises. They will also work in liason with the Watch, Medical, Scavengers and Guard organisations to ensure continued good relations.

RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: I am looking for dedicated staff who are efficient, literate, meticulous and able to work to a deadline. Diplomacy and courtesy are also encouraged. They must also be willing to follow orders to the letter. This is an absolute necessity. While A&R Adventurers will be largely bound to headquarters, the possibility that they will be sent to the field exists and therefore some knowledge of how to handle themselves under such circumstances is encouraged.
While I would prefer all Adventurers work to be carried out at HQ, I will afford some flexibility to allow for work from home if the need arises.
Recruits must also be able to work in close quarters with canines.

CURRENT STAFF:  magical_bosom, Biscuit, Coffee, Fax, Ink, PC, Pen, Quill, Shredder, Tea, Virginia.

!ooc, chuui loves paperwork, !adventurers

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