(no subject)

May 18, 2006 17:57

Wow...today was a BAD day.

Maybe it wasnt so bad..but i take everything to personally with adults..
And i got like warnings from like 50 of them..
All because i was trying to help my brother cheer up in a text messege...
and i didnt know half the teachers!!

So...after 2nd hour i was texting Christos...
and some short teacher neaks up on me and makes me give her my cellphone and my name.
And then she called me "Elana" GAH!
so for the rest of the day i was in a bad mood..
and after 6th hour when i went to retrieve my phone...i was trying to hurry so i wouldnt miss the bus...but then mrs warren isnt there..
and the secretary ladys like "yep...shouldnt have diobayed the rules with your sell phone, this is what happennsss" is a sorta sing-songy voice....GAH GAHg!
So, i figure iv missed the bis, so i wait a wile, and another dean comes, and she seached mrs warrens office and finds my phone, and shes like.."whats your story" (cuz i kid before claimin to be using his as a calculator and that he was new had just got his cell back) and i was like "i dont have a story" and she was all "oh..too bad..i like the stories" and then shes like.."is this the first time?" and im like "yea" and shes like..."okay, cuz otherwise you'd have to get your parents to come get it" ...UGH!
So then, i call mom, who cant pick me up for like two hours..so i call chris, who is looking for gas money...
and in the meanwhile, chris hallaway passes by, and i looked grumpy and told him of my misfortune and hes like "aw.." then turns his face" and hes like "hit me"...which was funny....but i didnt..

Then i had to sit there and watch the emo kids make out while i waited for chris to drive up and pick me up..
which he did...and then we drove around a little before going home..

thats all.
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