Why in the name of all that's Holy, am I here?

Jan 31, 2004 15:09

I can't think of anything worse than being stuck at work on Saturday. I not only have to drag my ass out of bed early SATURDAY morning, but I have to spend the next 6&1/2 hours bored to tears because we only do about $200.00 in business. Why are we even open?? What a waste of a day. It's not like I don't work 5 days a week, so I need to come in on my days off. No! We just don't have anyone else to work the weekends, so we have to rotate weekends. It wouldn't be so bad if we were busy and I had something to do, but since I'm updating my livejournal...you can see that we are slow.

I gotta get out of this town!!!!
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