(no subject)

Dec 14, 2009 00:36

• Post here & I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

1) What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

Honestly my biggest accomplishment so far is finding belief in myself and the confidence in myself to go after the things I've always wanted in life.
When I was younger, I was really unsure about myself and more concerned with how other people saw me than how I saw myself. After going through the motions of higher education and continuing to succeed at things, I was able to believe in myself which in turn allowed me to see myself in a different light.

2) If you had one dream you could accomplish with no questions asked tomorrow morning, what would it be?

To be the CEO of my own PR firm with a ton of clients!

3) What is you're favorite sin food you eat to much of?

Haha, like everything. But if I had to buckle it down to one it would definitely be chocolate. As we speak I have a hand full of M & Ms that I am eating.

4) Who has made the biggest impact on your life so far?

My mother, hands down. She raised me to the woman I am today. She always believed in me and knew that I had it in me to be optimistic and in turn, create my own dreams, values and goals.
I used to think she smothered me and stopped me from blossoming into my own. But I look back now and I realize that everything she ever did was to gain the ambition in me to push myself further.

5) What is your secret to all your success?
You're sweet, Nicci.

I know I've said this a lot in this question section, but the belief that I have in myself to go farther is definitely the way that I have gained any success that I gained.
That's not to say that just because I believe I can be good at something automatically makes me good. The belief that I have it in me, does. It enables me to practice everything, even school, day in and day out. It's given me motivation to work out problems as they come and in turn, grow from them.
When times get tough, I just have to remind myself that I have what it takes to get out of that mess. The belief that I bestow on myself, makes me work harder to do so.
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