A-E-I-O-Ewwww! Know your Bowels.

Jan 04, 2006 12:45

I don't think I'll be allowed back there again... not after what I just did. In the immortal words of Jim Carey- "Do NOT go in there!" Ok, ok, enough of this toilet humor.

Today I got to go to another promotion ceremony and take pictures. This time it was kinda cool though. The guy who got promoted got a waiver for early promotion. He is a really good guy, and he really deserves it. Everyone took their turns punching him in the collar so the pins from his rank would dig in, but when I got to him and congratulated him, he said "your next" and he slipped his old rank into my hand (which is one rank above mine). There were other people he probably could have given those to, people who have been here much longer, but he gave em to me. I thought that was pretty cool.

Of course the rest of this week is probably gonna suck. I'm gonna be moving to a different building, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I am gonna end up moving most of this stuff myself. Which wouldn't be SO bad if they'd just come right out and say I'm on my own. Instead my SGT tells me we're gonna work on it together, and then he kinda focuses on other work while I'm lifting and moving stuff. I'm one of those guys that will bust my ass working, alone or otherwise, but don't tell me you're gonna help, and then just watch me work... that just upsets me.

Well, lunch is over, I'm off to save the day...

James out.
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