Insatiable ambition

May 09, 2006 17:57

So, the name of this subject came to my know, insatiable ambition...cause well, I'm doing that for this lame Macbeth paper. Although, I recently realized, aren't we all like that? I mean really, it's just a completely natural thing...not to the extent of killing people and know what I mean. Anyway, if you think about it, people want something and whether they get it or not, they naturally move on to something else, meaning that nothing really is ever enough. Even though, Macbeth took it to the next level, I'd have to say, I definitely admire someone who would go out for what they want...just not in that way, of course, haha. But my point is, don't you think it's really lame if all you want to do is just say a few simple words, not implying anything, just small talk, but can't really do it cause it's way too weird? I don't know, but say you know someone and you recently realize how many times you run into them, and everytime you do, there's this weird look, like "Yeah...I know you...sort of...but it's way too awkward to say anything." I personally think that's pretty gay and stuff...if you get what I mean. I know I've said this before, but I'm setting a new it's not the one where I plan to live to be at least 25, it would be to take more risks. I've recently found out as to why I'm always bored - and this is it: I've become tired of the "routine" thing. Everyday is the same, but it's only because I choose for it to be like that. Sure, it'd be kinda cool if things just happened spontaneously (good things, of course), then I wouldn't have to work at not being bored. But still, I think that I should just go out and do more things...things I'd never do, just to make everything a lot more interesting. I guess I'm waiting for that "dare to be great moment" (John Cusack, haha) or just something really crazy awesome to happen...yeah, most definitely, haha.
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