To the lady who showers without closing the curtain,
Guessing based on apparent age and physique, you appear to be somewhere in your 50s. That being the case, you've obviously grown accustomed to your body and are comfortable in it. Congratulations, most women fail to achieve this. However, *I* am not comfortable with seeing you soap yourself up. It was kinda disturbing. You're in the only visible shower as one enters the room so it's not like I could avoid looking at you. I felt mentally violated.
Needing to go brain-bleach,
Lesserpanda To the lady who may have been addressed previously but may be another shower patron,
We are not at the Herbal Essences Commercial tryout. Try NOT to have an orgasmic experience when in a communal shower area. I was hard pressed to decide between wanting to lose my lunch (which I'd not yet had) or revert to my oh-shit response and laugh and add a porno soundtrack for you.
Lesserpanda To the woman in the yoga pants,
When you bend over and I see an inch-deep wedgie and KNOW you are not wearing underwear, THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. I don't personally care about your undergarment status so much as I like naivety.
How can that even be comfortable?