Nov 05, 2012 14:28
I had orientation at Target yesterday, and it seems like the most positive place to work EVER. I'm the first to admit that my reaction to needing ANY grocery item is to roll over to Walmart, but wow. The Target orientation video was only about 30% white people, and there was even a long section on how we should be accommodating and inclusive of everyone no matter their race, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation, etc etc etc. It was basically the video that should be shown as an orientation to LIFE, not just working at Target. We also learned about all the money they donate to schools in the community, and as a teachers' kid that fills me with joy.
Even better news, I start my actual training next week and some actual hours! They have me working five days my first week! They say it's a busy time of year (that's why they hire seasonal workers like me) and they'll have us working up to like forty hours a week. Yay income!
I'll be cross-trained as a cashier and as my regular job, a "floor" person, meaning I patrol the clothing/shoes/jewelry area organizing things (which I do anyway) and asking customers if I can help them. But since I'll know how to do two jobs, that also means that I can use their detailed pick-up system to take on extra shifts in either of those areas whenever someone needs it. You have no idea how much I love working for pay, and I don't intend any other meanings to that. It's just, the idea of actually getting paid for every hour I do a job, rather than a little pocket money at the end of each week, is GLORIOUS. And I'd MUCH rather wander around a store interacting with humans than the job I had last year, if ya know what I mean.
So yeah, I wanted to share how overjoyed I am. The best part is, as a seasonal worker the job will be over in January, so I'll be free to move to New York and get my life back on track... with another job on my already shockingly-long-for-my-age resume!
I'm one of those weirdos who loves working too much because I love fat paychecks. At my cinemas I was always picking up shifts and working doubles happily, and the best feeling I had was the days I would switch between my cinema job and my jewelry job by changing shirts in the back room. When I was a little kid my dream wasn't to get married and live happily ever after but to have ten jobs.
I'VE BEEN BROKE FOR SO LONG. I want to buy those fancy pink pumps I saw at Payless!