Okay, so I totally watched the new episode of Community tonight and...
SO AWESOME. Okay, what other show basically acknowledges that fact that all its characters are in some way hot for one another? YES. EVERYONE/EVERYONE IS TOTALLY CANON!!!
Narrowing things down a bit though, I don't really dig into Abed/Troy as an actual romantic thing. I recognize something in their friendship that reminds me a whole damn lot of my friendship with my IRL best friend. We're SO CLOSE that it does seem to almost border on being romantic or inappropriate, but there's really nothing there aside from an incredibly strong bond. Like, to the point where I call her, but her phone is upstairs and out of earshot so I have to leave a message and then like a minute later get a call back, because she had just gotten the feeling that she ought to check her phone. So yes, they are mega-close, but I don't really see them as a romantic couple. I mean, the show can always make it happen, but I sort of doubt it. :\
Um, so I think Annie/Troy is maybe over? I still have so many mixed feelings on them anyway, but I do want to see Troy realizing that Annie is amazing, but he won't because he doesn't really "get" her. Which frustrates me, because I do like girl's having crushes on oblivious boys and then getting over them, but I also want to see the boy be like: "HOLY SHIT, I was a total idiot." and beginning to realize that OH HEY this girl that has always been there is no longer there and now he misses it. Or something.
I have a stupid soft spot for Jeff/Annie, but mostly because he has such an obvious soft spot for her. However, I think Jeff and Britta really do complement one another best of all.
BUT WHATEVER HAPPENS I LOVE IT ALL. Except I really don't like Vaughn. Soooo, I hope the Annie/Vaughn thing stops at some point.
ALSO, there were people on community_tv talking 'bout how they were bummed by the parental angle that this episode seemed to be giving to the Jeff-Annie relationship, but uhhh... it was actually set up right from the beginning that there was probably more to Jeff's concerns than just watching out for Annie as a friend. He talks about all the douchebags who will soon be flocking to Annie and then Starburns goes on to say that Jeff is a douchebag. So... that was there from the start.
BRITTA/ABED (...yes? maybe?)
Teeny mentionings of Britta/Troy! <3
Ugh, I need to stop getting into non-cartoon fandoms! IT IS REALLY HARD TO CARTOONIFY REAL PEOPLE. IT TAKES EFFORT AND JUNK. And all I wanna do is draw Annie/Troy and Jeff/Britta and SHIRLEEYYYYY and Troy always comes out looking SO STUPID.
But, here's the beginnings of me trying to draw the Community characters. Shirley and Britta. <3