May 07, 2008 13:32
After thinking it over for a while, i realize that dreams about specific people unless they are very directed are proably just as good without mentioning thier names or making it clear who they are.
So this is the dream I woke up to last night. I copy this from the email I sent to the party who starred in the dream, she can feel free to reveal herself if she wishes:
I don't know quite why I was dreaming about you, but last night was wierd.
I dreamed you were a college sexual studies teacher. Surprisingly though your appearance was similar to how I know you look now, though you were dressed much more professionally.
The session that the dream stepped in on was a class on fetishes. what made this class exceptionally amusing is that you interspersed the class with a video that had a snippet of a number of fetishes, this entire video you stared in though, which was weird since no one seemed to recongise the similarity.
The video started with bondage and abduction, as a number of people broke into your kitchen and tied you up and carried you out (with minimal struggling), while they were carrying you out it zoomed in on the kitchen sink, which had previously appeard to have a baby playing in it. when it zoomed in though it apparently was a very large sink, as that you were playing in it, wearing shorts and a sports bra, you were slathering yourself with warm chocolate (food play). That scene didnt last long before spiraling back again and having a number of people in the room. Some large guy jumped up on the counter and picked up a heavy pipe and started pounding it against the shelves. You leaped out of the sink in a panic and cowered in a corner, with the rest of the people (fear play).
The video then ended and it zoomed back to the class all the way to the back of the class where a student sat with a laptop with a very expensive movie style camera, with a boom mike mounted below the lens (I have no idea why).
Thats about when I woke up.