Oct 22, 2009 20:53
I've been working hard with my dads company this week. The work is actually pretty easy and interesting and i'm getting paid $30 an hour. We're auditing the Joondalup Health campus, so i'm wading through patient file samples from the different areas of the hospital. Some people take the weirdest complaints to the ED. there are some i wish i could tell people about but we signed a confidentuality agreement. Anyway, they're unable to take me up to the hospital tommorrow, but i get paid for 8 hours work anyway. I'll probably sleep in and go shopping, and i'm still earning money! Yay for capitalist societies! I'll probably end up going to the shop to help Roni out though. I feel bad leaving her a person short.
I'm feeling really well still. Which is a miracle. I don't remember ever feeling like myself, like I do now. I've always kinda felt like a 'fake Alisa'. Like I was just pretending to be someone so that I would fit in and make people happy. I know i kept the 'Christian' label longer than i wanted to because i didn't want to upset anyone. But i like being me. And I like not being sick and in hospital. Although my physical health has gone to the dogs. My thyroid is still lethargic, my reflux is back, my IBS has flared up and I can't loose weight. I'm also probably going to have to go back for more surgery. The last op i had hasn't been sucessful and the problem is worse than ever. I'm a little nervous cos I have to have a colonoscopy to make sure that they diagnosed my colon tear properly. I hope its not anything more serious. Well, even if it is, they can cure pretty much anything nowdays :)three cheers for doctors!
Oh, and I saw the funniest video clip today of 'the world's drunkest man'. He was so wasted that he couldn't figure out how to get off the floor or how to use his legs. The most interesting part of the clip was watching him flail around as he was trying to get up, without once taking his hand off the six-pack of beer he had somehow managed to get out of the fridge. I have never seen anyone that commited to beer!