Doctor Seuss

Jan 02, 2015 20:42

I know, everyone knows Doctor Seuss. But I found out a few weeks ago that several of my friends were not familiar with The Butter Battle Book. For the two I work with, there was an improptu story time shortly after this realization (benefit of working in a library).

Ok, so The Butter Battle Book, which I am getting tired of typing out (BBB from now on), is about the escalation between two sides, the Yooks and the Zooks.

The Yooks are our protagonists, or at least our point of view. We shortly see that there really isn't any reason for them to be our protagonists. They keep fighting with the Zooks, and for what reason?

"It's high time that you knew
of the terribly horrible thing that Zooks do.
In every Zook house and in every Zook town
every Zook eats his bread
with the butter side down!"

"But we Yooks, as you know,
when we breakfast or sup,
spread our bread," Grandpa said,
"with the butter side up.
That's the right, honest way"

It's about as different as these guys, and we know what happened here*

From Memory Alpha
*For those of you who aren't fans of classic Star Trek, the two sides wiped each other out and the only two survivors of the species decided to continue trying to kill each other.

Back to BBB, the two sides keep clashing (not battles, just harassments over a fence) and their weaponry keeps getting more and more powerful. At the end, both sides have a small bomb-type thing that will destroy the other side.

So does this sound familiar?

O yeah, the Cold War! Two sides not attacking the other, but continually posturing, and developing bigger and more powerful weapons to destroy the other side which would really just destroy everyone. Yup.

Go read it.

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books, the butter battle book, doctor seuss

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