Jul 12, 2008 23:50
Me: Why are there so many buttons on dress pants? It's confusing.
Jamie: Because you're getting all dressed up and the boys will be paying more attention to you.
Laura D: But you can't put cheese on a bad haircut and make it better!
Kate H: I think my first reaction, if I saw an axe murderer standing over me here, would be to laugh.
Laura D: It's like we're in a choose your own adventure book, but we can't choose our adventure.
Me: No, we can choose. All our choices just suck.
Jamie: *says something about food that goes entirely misunderstood*
Me: Did she just say baby goat?
Groomsman: What's in this stuff?
Me: Baby goat. It's like veal, only more goaty.
Kate H: We really did bring our entire closets...
Me: Come on! We've got to get a picture with Andrew! We can hold him!
Andrew: Okay.
Libby: I've got his butt.
[a few minutes later]
Me: Now the boys have to do the same, but with Libby.
Andrew: I've got her butt!
[Edit to add quotes, but still missing out on a lot of the great quotes from the weekend...wish my brain could remember them.]