Genia hat heute die Prüferin gespielt und mich vorsprechen lassen. Sie meinte, ich würde dafür mindestens, aber mindestens (!!!) eine 2 kriegen. Mal schauen, bis jetzt bin ich noch ganz entspannt -- womit ich alle anderen verwundere. Mhm, na ja. o_O;
... everything will get better. I can't tell you anything yet. If I did I'd probably get too excited myself and fall too deep if it doesn't happen eventually. So bear with me until it's time to tell you.
I don't want to do the presentation tomorrow. It'll be awful. I've never done a single one before, and I'm sure it won't be as it should. I'll stand in front of four people and talk for as long as my mind gives me enough information (because I can't sort anything to save my life), which won't be right. God, I'm scared
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