Just arrived home from walking around the village, in an attempt to lose weight for the summer. XD
But first!
Tagged by:
uhrelax List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, they must be songs you are presently enjoying. Post these instructions in your Live Journal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
1. Kazoku - Ukigumo
2. Soroban - Orange Tegami
3. Alice Nine - 13
4. MUCC - Touei
5. Ayabie - Senjou Cameraman to Saigo
6. Clavier - Private Enemy
Of Montreal - Tim I Wish You Were Born A Girl XDDDD
aksvc Rules: Comment and I'll give you a letter. In your journal, list 10 of your favorite songs that begin with that letter.
uhrelax gave me D :D
1. 12012 - Deep Forest
2. Janne Da Arc - DOLLS
3. Gazette - DLN
4. Gackt - Doomsday
5. Vidoll - Deathmate
6. Dir en Grey - Dead Tree
7. The Beatles - Do You Want To Know A Secret
8. Kansas - Dust in the Wind
Kate Spence - Deeply In Love10.
Dan Mackenzie - Don't Even Start ♥♥♥
Earlier this week, Phil, Dave & I went up to the resort near our place in Tanay for an occular inspection of the grounds so we could start planning the games & team building events for the company outing on April 5.
The pool! The lady we spoke to says it can fit around 400 people (with room to swim, okay? not packed like sardines XD)
There's something about trees growing over roads that I like. It's like a natural tunnel.♥ And another 'sunlight through the trees' pic, because I love destroying my camera lens.
Dave made a new friend. XD
Rocks and horsies! [/random]
On Saturday, after the camp band meeting, we were kinda bored so we walked around Ortigas Center, grabbing a milkshake and some fries in McDonalds Emerald Ave, running into a movie crew filming something for Ai-Ai delas Alas (which involved around 40 guys in military get-up waving their guns in the air and dancing like idiots.. as if my respect for the military wasn't already next to nothing). As we made our way into McDo, Ai-Ai passed in front of me in a tight red & white something with fishnet stockings and high heels.. I wasn't starstruck or anything, but I did realize that the only thing that really made her taller was her hair. I should have taken a pic, haha. Actually I dared Migs to go up to her and ask for an autograph & photo, but she left before he was able to do it. XD
Migs took this pic: Arrow, Karen, Saki, me, Jess, Jourd.
Sisters! :3 (Note to self: I need a haircut and diet. Long hair makes my face look bigger. XD) And that's the waterfall thing in Ortigas Park.
The film crew
Being weird in Ortigas Park:
We moved on to The Coffeebean and Tea Leaf for.. aircon. XD Of course we couldn't just stay there and not order anything, so I got the Honeydew ice thing & the Rocky Road Fudge Bar.♥♥♥ Hearts go to the dessert, not the drink--it tasted like overpriced Zagu. D: But generally, I think Coffee Bean drinks & desserts are a lot tastier than Starbucks.
I don't think Karen & I look alike at all. XD
We went home early on Saturday night because the band had to be back in church at 7am on Sunday morning.
The band doing a runthrough in the claustrophobia-inducing band room (according to Arrow). And some leftover masks from the
Red Promenade Blue Masquerade event sitting on the window sill. Just thought they made a lovely silhouette. :)
GCF Youth peeps taking a break in between services.
Planning session for the upcoming Youth Camp. The chocolate decadent cake was an incentive Of course we were seriously planning! XD
I take the most random pics. XD
OH and Herb called me earlier this week too, and we talked about me staying with her if I decide to go to Japan. She lives around 45 minutes away from Tokyo, but maybe if I'm brave enough, I can stay somewhere near Budoukan for the duration of the concerts. XD I'M SO EXCITED! :D But the most important thing is still my Japanese visa, which I haven't applied for yet. Lol! ^^'
And throughout the week, there were signs that popped out of nowhere that were prodding me to proceed with my Japan trip!
I saw this sign on the way back from Tanay! (I should have asked if they had any Ryutarous ripe for the picking! XDDD)
And I was playing Prime Suspects one time, and look at the list of stuff I had to find! It's a siiign! XDDDD
Well, that's the last of my pics. Did I just hear a sigh of relief? XD