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Mar 15, 2009 20:30

My spring break was super awesome.
It was also really scandalous... too scandalous for livejournal; but I feel the urge to purge, so here's my vacation (without the juice.. sorry, guys).

I flew up to Boston on Saturday and stayed with Neil until Tuesday; it was my second time visiting Boston, and Holly's first. The weather was gorgeous for the first few days, with the temperature in the 50's and even the 60's; we spent those days exploring the city and doing a little shopping. Monday it was snowing! We walked to the store and bought nice cheeses, bread, and wine, and spent the entire day hanging out in his living room (which is super cozy, by the way), drinking and eating. He has three roommates, and they were all really cool and hung out with us; I felt really comfortable and at home, especially since Neil graciously handed over his room to us for the entirety of our stay (seriously, you didn't have to do that)! I borrowed his friend's ID and we went out dancing Monday night, which was a lot of fun; great music and lots of gay boys. Tuesday, we took the bus to Manhattan.

We ended up staying with Ashkahn (Parisa's brother) in Brooklyn, which turned out to be a pretty good deal. Once again, we were blessed with an insanely gracious host. He didn't have any extra blankets, so we shared his bed with him every night (four nights); he gave us total control of his keys every day, and whenever we came into his work, he gave us whatever we wanted for free (he works at a really tasty, cute bakery in Brooklyn). It turned out that his roommate had a couple of people up visiting at the same time we were there, so when we first got to his apartment, he took us to his room to make introductions... he opens the door, and reveals a room full of SUPER CUTE BOYS!! Yeah, I was excited. I was instantly curious about one boy in particular, and could tell that it was mutual; eye contact came easily, always instantly followed by silent, reciprocal smiles. He tagged along when Holly and I walked to the corner store, and we had a conversation that went like this:

Him: "Yeah, I might be scooping ice cream..." (he's applying for jobs)
Me: "I work at a Gelato place"
Him: "So does my sister, in Gainesville"
Me: "I work at the one in Gainesville!"
Him: (looking surprised) "Really?"
Me: "Yes! Who's your sister?!"
Him: "Nickie"
Me: "Nickie Kuhn?!?!"
Him: "Yeah!"

Nickie, I totally have a huge crush on your little brother.
Anyways, every night the boys would smoke a blunt and have communal painting in one of their bedrooms, so pretty soon we were in on that, too. I just felt really at home. I also got to hang out with Eric, which was great, because it'd been two years since I'd last seen him. I'm so not ready to be back in Gainesville, and can't stand to think that I still have a year and a half before I can change my scenery. I usually feel turned off by the city, but this time was really different. For the first time, I can see myself not only living there, but having a life there; that's where the difference lies.. before, I could picture myself living in a city, but not being happy.. not having a life. Now, I can see how it could feel like home, and it has planted a seed of discontent inside of me. It sucks now, but I'm confident that, with time, this seed will sprout into something real' good.
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