Hey guys, I know I haven't been on in forever but I didn't disappear, promise. xD Just been without internet and busy.
We finally have a laptop again, and not one we're making payments on either. Well, we have to pay Sarah's dad two-hundred dollars for it, which makes no sense since it was her Christmas gift. She has decided to share it with me, but she's only spent maybe a total of an hour on it since we got it. I hope I'm not taking it over. It's a brand that I have never heard of, Asus, BUT her brother (who is a computer tech) did a lot of work to it, even put a second hard drive in it, so it's got lots of space for EVERYTHING. He also put emulators for the NES, SNES, and N64 on it with a bunch of awesome games. Also, he bought Sarah Skyrim for the PC. Skyrim = FANTABOLOUS!! Srsly.
Also I have been keeping busy making jewelery. I've started up an Etsy store and I am trying to sell my creations online to make a little extra cash since I am out of a job.
Oh, did I not mention getting fired? Ya, for three tardies. That's what I got fired for. I tried to go through corporate to fight it, since you can only be fired if you've had a D-day and the only reason I had a D-day was because of that idiot Chad, (
http://lerhat.livejournal.com/111720.html ) and I was in the process of fighting that D-day anyway, because every manager in the whole place said I should have never been written up, except Mr. Jerk aka Mr. Larry. So yah, I have been without a job since a little before Thanksgiving. So, finances are in the dump right now, and we may have to forgo our Cruise we were supposed to take in July sometime. I am hoping I find a job soon so I can start pulling my weight. Sarah started a second job today, and I feel bad that she has to work so hard to support my jobless butt. I feel like such a bum, I've never been without a job this long (Except during my medical leave, but that doesn't count). :(
What else is new??
We have a new family member, and we've lost one.
Geokitty got out and we haven't seen him since. I really miss him, I keep telling myself that someone saw him, and realized what a wonderful, cute, sweet, and loving cat he was and took him home to spoil him even more than we did. That IS my story and I am sticking to it. He is in a good loving home. Period. I haven't given up looking for him though, we canvased the neighbor hoods and posted adds and signs. I don't think I'll ever see him again, but I'll never give up hope or stop looking. I MISS YOU GG! PLEASE COME HOME!! Those of you on my Flist who are local, keep an eye out for a huge fat black and white tux cat. I miss my baby. :,(
I'm not sure if I have mentioned WheeMan or not, but he was one of my mom's cat's kittens. He was the runt of the litter, and was getting beat up and wasn't being taken very good care of by his mum so when my sister got his sister MaggieMayham, we brought WheeMan over too so he could heal and get the attention he needed. He wouldn't grow for the longest time, I think his growth was stunted or something. He has always been half the size of his siblings, hence the name. My sister decided she was keeping him, and he was going to be an outside cat when they moved, well Sarah and I decided to keep him. More on WheeWee later.
Well, I'll have to finish this update later on, it's time to get Sarah up for her second job and take her.