Aug 30, 2011 11:16
No postie in like forever! Woah. It's not my fault, it's the darn interwebz fault.
SO, ready for a work rant!? If not, skip this journal and move on to the next..
So like... Wednesday I believe I had to close with new guy. Have I talked about new guy yet?? Well, new guy is like a male Elita. He bitches CONSATNTLY! Seriously, he makes me just want to squish him.
SO, back to Wednesday. I had to close by myself. I also had to do the eight and nine o'clock person's stuff. The only thing I didn't have to do was the slicer side. That was Chad's job. What I had to do: Close hot side, close back, clean both rotisserie ovens, clean the fryer, and make sandwich. That's five people worth of work. All he had to do: Slicers.
He was supposed to get off at ten, I didn't even know what time it was because I had been busting my ass trying to get my shit done. I know I'd seen him chatting with some dude for what seemed like forever. Ten-forty rolls around and he comes and tells me he is leaving.
I go and look, none of his stuff is done. Well, he half way cleaned ONE slicer. In and hour and forty minutes he half cleaned ONE slicer. ONE!!! I can clean one slicer in about five to ten minutes, and do a good job on it. You are not supposed to leave until your closing work is done.
Needless to say, I was pissed. I already had like a billion extra things to do. I found Mr. Louis, a manager, and told him about the whole situation, and how I was already estimating me having to be there until about one in the morning trying to clean up all the stuff I already had to do.
Mr. Louis said: "Don't clean it, as far as I am concerned you can just leave it for them to see tomorrow. He just keeps doing it so just leave it."
He only had to say that to me once. IF he hadn't told me that, I wouldn't have left it. But since he did, I felt I could. So, I did.
The next day I got wrote up for it, and got a D-day becasue of it. (D-day - Decision Day - The day Walmart makes you stay home and write a paragraph of why Walmart should keep paying you. You get paid for the day as if you were there.) I didn't feel it was fair AT ALL.
I went and talked to Mrs. Velinca yesterday, and she feels the same as I do, and she is over Mr. Larry so she is gonna have my D-day taken off and I just got to sit at home on my butt and get paid for it. SO HA IN YER FACE! In whose face, I dunno. Just someone's.
neglected lj