Campaign Month 2007 - Reminders

Apr 10, 2007 22:15

ARGH! Its April! Why did no one remind me that its campaign month?? An annual tradition and it is running late! Okay, so it has only happened once before... but I told you all it was going to be annual... okay alluded to it being annual... well, vaguely pointed in the direction of annual and threatened violence. But that is as good as telling you all! I mean how could you mistake these words of last year?

Well here we are at the end of April, the close of campaign month... I thank all of you whose support and involvement helped make campaign month the success it was. To those of you who didn't help, I am disappointed in you, consider this a warning. By next year I expect you to have shaped up and be doing a much better job or else some pretty nasty stuff will ensue.

So this brings me to the first campaign of campaign month; Reminders. Now normally I would talk in general terms in campaign month on why reminders are useful and need our support. But not this time! I am selfish, YOU need to remind me of things.

1/ What is it that is worth campaigning about in campaign month? What is it that needs our support that normally wouldn't get our attention? Examples from last year include Pax Gnomena, The Fairytale Party of Australia, Adopt a Student and Apathy. Remind me what issues are important to you!

2/ You don't have to rely on me either, if you have a campaign that needs supporting that normally wouldn't, you can write it up yourself! I will link you for campaign month! The only condition is that is something that normally wouldn't get attention (as the examples above). But that is a great way to remind me of what I need to know!

3/ Finally, REMIND ME NEXT YEAR THAT WE ARE IN APRIL AND THAT IS BLOODY WELL CAMPAIGN MONTH!!! Or better yet you could remind me in late March so I have time to prepare! Either way remind me!
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