Quest Log - Concealment

Apr 02, 2007 21:39

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I was challenge as a result of my Cop Out - 2006 to provide Quest Logs of my completed Just and Nobel Quests. What Follows is an annotated Quest Log for one of those quests.

07/10/06 12:36 - User lepsdavid Logged In

Current XP: 282110; Next Level 300000

Current Location is “Central Station”

Current Active Quest(s): See Lady Friend, World Domination, Lunch of Fun, Who Killed Mr Wolf?

I had finally decided to take a Saturday and finish the quest See Lady Friend.

User Entry: Go “Blue Train Line”, exit Como

You are at “Como Station”, 34 (THIRTY-FOUR) Minutes have elapsed, what do you wish to do?

Okay this drags a bit… I’ll skip ahead to the Just and Noble Quest part, I succeed in the quest of See Lady Friend. I am now in Lady Friend’s house after having lunch and talking at length about “popular television show”. I’m lying on the sofa and she is sitting in a comfy chair nearby.

‘Lady Friend’ is a little cold, she puts on a tight fitting jumper.

There are many things that you don’t want to have after the words “Item Added:” in a quest log. For example; Item Added: ‘Black Eye’, Item Added: ‘Influenza’, or Item Added: ‘Corpse’. What follows, at least in this case, is such an item.

Item Added: ‘Bulge in Pants’ [Expected Duration 9 (NINE) minutes]

At least the Quest Log uses euphuisms instead of being explicit…

New J&N Quest Added - Concealment

You have acquired the Item ‘bulge in pants’ you must conceal this item from ‘Lady Friend’ to protect her from getting the wrong (or right) idea.

Okay… HOW THE HELL DID THIS GET JUST AND NOBLE QUEST STATUS??? Anyway, now I need a plan of action, as little movement as possible would be good, mustn’t draw attention. Maybe…

User Entry: Move ‘left leg’ to scratch ‘left knee’.

Your leg is now between line of sight of ‘Lady Friend’ and ‘bulge in pants’

Success! Now to play the waiting game…

2 (TWO) Minutes have elapsed.

Only two, that’s not enough time to lose ‘bulge in pants’ by a long shot.

Lady Friend stands up and starts moving towards Sofa to sit next to you.

Oh dear… time to break out the big guns

User Entry: Execute Manoeuvre: ‘27 Beta Tango 5 part 1’

skill roll for ‘27 Beta Tango 5 part 1’ plus modifiers is 17 (SEVENTEEN), you succeed!

You sit up moving in such a way that at least one of your arms is in the line of site as you move. You are now sitting up arms crossed with a pouting look on your face implying your indigence that you had to move. Your left hand is also holding a cushion ready for the second half of the manoeuvre.

‘Lady Friend’ sits down next to you

Ah God bless whomever thought of the 27 Beta Tango 5 manoeuvre

User Entry: Execute Manoeuvre: ‘27 Beta Tango 5 part 2’

skill roll for ‘27 Beta Tango 5 part 2’ plus modifiers is 14 (FOURTEEN), you succeed!

You swing the cushion to hit ‘Lady Friend’, Impacting on each syllable of the Phrase “You, made, me, move.” After the word “move” the cushion lands “accidentally” on your lap.

I’m glad part to worked, not only for the quest, but I have failed that skill roll in the past and know that the corner of a cushion in someone’s eye results in complaints.

User Entry: Talk ‘Lady Friend’; topic = Recent Release Film

6 (SIX) Minutes have elapsed.

‘Lady Friend’ is bored, she begins to tickle you.

Skill roll minus modifiers 14 (FOURTEEN). Success, the cushion remains in place.

Self Control Roll minus modifiers 5 (FIVE). Failure.

Well… this does not bode well for our hero…

Duration of ‘Bulge in Pants’ increases by 4 (FOUR) minutes, expected remaining duration is 5 (FIVE) minutes.

Argh! But I was so close to everything being fine! Damn it! I’m getting a cup of tea.

User Entry: Say to Lady Friend; “I’m getting a cup of tea”

User Entry: Run to Kitchen

You have given ‘Lady Friend’ a chance to preform a spot check. ‘Lady Friend’ spot roll plus modifiers is 12 (TWELVE). ‘Lady Friend’ fails to spot ‘Bulge in Pants’

You are in the Kitchen

User Entry: Execute Manoeuvre: ‘Make Tea’

skill roll for ‘Make Tea’ minus modifiers is 16 (SIXTEEN), you succeed!

3 (THREE) minutes have elapsed, You now have a cup of tea on the bench.

Ah sweet (well bitter really, I don’t have mink or sugar) tea!

‘Lady Friend’ runs in to the kitchen, to quickly to preform a spot check and goes for a spur of the moment hug.

User Entry: Shit!! Quick make sure you hug with only your upper body David, upper body only!


Stupid user interface…

User Entry: ‘Hug’; ‘upper body only’

Roll for Dexterity Check, Natural 20!

You complete the hug of all upper body hugs! Gain + 25 (TWENTY-FIVE) experience points and +1 (ONE) charisma point!

Phew, now to my tea, I think I have earned it.

User Entry: Drink ‘Tea’

You attempt to drink ‘Tea’. The ‘Tea’ is BOILING HOT, you burn your tongue, take 1 (ONE) HP of damage. The Searing pain and incoherent swearing distracts you from item ‘bulge in pants’. Without your attention ‘bulge in pants’ stops working.

Item Lost: ‘Bulge in ‘Pants’

J&N Quest Completed: Concealment

You gain +1000 experience points for Completing the Quest Concealment

Good, I am glad that’s over, I may be in pain and unable to talk properly but, that was one of the worst Just and Noble Quests I have ever had to undertake. I’m going before something else happens.

User Entry: Log Out User ‘lepsdavid’

You now have 283635 XP

07/10/06 14:17 User lepsdavid Logged Out
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