Dec 02, 2004 22:06
"Im getting higher and higher closer to my dreams"
These words are for the song "closer" by goepele... hella mello ass song and kinda makes me think bout shit. Also applies to the lesson i have been learning in my psychology class, and it is nuttin but the truth. My dream as of right now isnt really like a life long goal or anything its juss something i actually dream about all the time and i am becoming closer to.
I just dont get how another person can affect you so much in a way that you cant be anything but happy, and become that one thing you begin to think about so much... Yes i guess i am gettig sentimental or what not ut its mostly cause i know many people always feel this way and they really dont talk about it. I mean its all true and there really is no reason to hide what you really do feel or what not, so mine as well take that step and see what actually will happen. Who knows it could be one of the greatest things that happens to you or can be something you wish wouldnt of happened and thats all why it is called a "risk" or a "chance".
Oh and by the way erica seems to feel like clownin on all of us so uhh all i got to say is if the gpa does not really matter all that much about a person then why are you tryin to look down on us about it, and juss cause you go to gay ass mission with gay ass people who all they do is devote there pointless lives to getting good grades doesnt mean you are much better, by the way you may get a better gpa then most of us here and garunteed you would get better sat scores then all of us, but ay guess what i garuntee i will scrape anyone at mission so yea juss keep that in mind, all a gpa is, is ink on a paper it dont mean shit, but when you talk shit and you can back it up that means something.... hahahahahahahahaha juss for you information! Anyone who reads this let me knwo if you agree.