It's coming up on VH1's I love Toys! I can't wait. I've been looking forward to it since I heard about this special. MLP was my absolute favorite toy as a child to play with.
I've spent the evening typing up old English papers that I lost during the bad crash of
September 24, 2004. Yeah. It's not happy times when I type. Luckily I'm a fast typer and I got three papers done tonight.
GoF tomorrow! Which of course means... KRUM!
Kirby Puckett died. I can't express how sad this makes me. I was a huge fan of his growing up. He made the Minnesota Twins for me. He always seemed liked a really nice guy.
So yeah, despite it being a blah-ish day, I'm grateful for the small things, like all the positive comments I received on my previous entry. Thank you Flist! You all rock and I'm lucky to know you.