Log: Viviana's Visit

Apr 19, 2008 23:24

RL: April 19, 2008.
VR: Day 31, month 1, Turn 16, of the Interval. It is a winter evening.

Viviana brings Leova a plant to try not to kill. They revisit recent events, opinions and assumptions.

Sunset Across the Lake Ledge
Broad and flat, this large ledge could likely hold a bronze dragon and a visitor comfortably, if with little room to spare. Slanting slightly downward so that any rain may spill over the unsheltered outcropping, the bumpy ledge has smooth grooves that travel like wagon wheel tracks from where the weyr entrance begins to the very edge, paths worn smooth by turns of wind and running water. Dug into the rock next to the opening of the sheltered sanctuary and where the ledge begins to dwindle before disappearing into the wall entirely, a small cavern has been dug so that someone could carefully climb in and sit comfortably for a while. The tattered remains of a cushion even remain there, torn and rotting due to weather. The view from the ledge reveals just why a cozy hidey-hole might be valuable, with its location almost directly behind the lake, this weyr's true treasure lies in its perfect sunset watching spot.

Ashmyth banks and lands neatly on the ledge.
Viviana clambers down Ashmyth's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.

It's a perfect night to enjoy that starlight, that moonlight. Not even as cold as all that, although Vrianth's and Leova's breath is white in the darkness. Instead of Leova hiding in the little cavern, the green is wrapped about her rider and keeping her very warm, and Leova's singing softly.

Viviana pulls her jacket closer and mournfully looks over the edge of the weyr and across the wintery scape. With a deep sigh, she turns away from the view, peering into the ledge. "Oh Leo---VA! Anyone home? I have a housewarming gift! Right from Ista! YoooHooooooo!"

Vrianth looks down. Leova looks down. "Over here, Vivy!" It would have been hard to see them in the dark, all right, but less so now that Vrianth's rising and spreading out her silvery wings, quite the hostess for Ashmyth there. "Don't fall off!"

Ashmyth is quite established in her little area and doesn't flinch as the wings outspread. Accomodating, she tucks her own wings in closer. "OH there you are. Well, aren't you cozy up there." She peers up, way up, then pulls a oddly wrapped, lumpy little package from her flight jacket's inner pocket. "You don't kill things on a usual basis, do you? I mean, other than withering male egoes until the poor boys whimper into the sunset?"

<< Stars or warm? >> Vrianth asks her sister as she stretches out, the very tip of her tail flicking the tapestries that hang from on high and keep the weyr about as warm as it's going to get. << We ought to have both, but we cannot tonight. >> There's a snort to go with it. Meanwhile, her rider is trying out for the jaw-dropping team. "Excuse me? Vivy." She glances around. How much does sound carry over the lake, anyway? "Why don't we go inside. There's room for Ashmyth too, if she wants."

Ashmyth is quite content to look out at the stars. << Cold? She is now complaining of cold. Never has before. I like the sparklies out in the sky, they look more bright on cold nights. >> With a roll of her eyes, Viviana leaves the dragon to stargaze and happily joins Leova deeper in. "You know, how you made that X'lar, that's his name now, he impressed Bronze, you know! It was fearsome to watch, just a few words and sweet boy was pulverized."

Leova listens. Lets out a controlled breath. "Not pulverized." She starts heading for the weyr, abandoning their dragons. "But if he was. Deserved it." Vrianth turns her head to watch her rider disappear into the weyr, then stretches out that much more so she can settle in by Ashmyth and just look up, up and out. << Do you like the moons? They hide the stars, sometimes. But they grow and then hide again. >> The last words from her rider before she disappears are, "Who knows. His dragon probably liked it."

You wander into an archway leading into the inner weyr.
Vrianth's Dimly Lit Weyr
Stepping inside through the lower ledge entrance, the weyr opens up into two parts that curve in a partial circle. The first and largest part of the cavern lies straight back from the ledge and cradles a well-worn dragon couch more suited to a bronze. Within that massive indentation, the young green's rushes create a much smaller, softer pool.
From there the weyr wraps around, its inner depths shielded by the curving wall, but also by thick draperies that can be pushed aside by humans or even Vrianth if she chooses.
The inner weyr has been dug a little more square here, allowing one to push furniture back against the walls more easily, and features a hearth against the far wall. A large bed against the right wall, covered in thick mats and furs, must have been there already. However, the other furniture hasn't been arranged particularly, just piled up to one side of the curtains. There's one round table that seats four but has been supplied with five mismatched chairs, all with upholstered seats and runged wooden backs. Near it is a sturdy wooden settee that sits two, the canvas a shade not far off Vrianth's hide. There's also a wash stand with basin and pitcher, a wooden oval mirror leaning against one wall, a chest of drawers rather than a press, and a set of simple glowbaskets.

Viviana strides in from the ledge.

Vrianth senses that Ashmyth stretches out just a wee little bit now the humans aren't taking up space and manages to twist around so she can get a better view in the same motion. << Me? I like the way the moons shine on the lake when there is a fog. Very lovely. But the moons grow? Really? >>

Viviana blinks, now it's her turn to be confused. "He didn't have a dragon when we visited. And you certainly were effective. Why, you even frightened me!" She pulls out the little gift, a mossy, delicate ivy that would probably die the minute cold hit it. "It grows in darker places but must be kept warm and tenderly cherished. It's delicate.." With a wink, she giggles. "Just like me."

Ashmyth senses that Vrianth's thoughts brush against the other green's with unusual softness. << Stretch as much as you like, Ashmyth. >> It's so large, her ledge, could fit multiple dragons her size. And there's a certain pride for being able to provide such a thing. << Very slowly. We remember. They do not want you to see them come closer, they sneak up, and then sneak away again. Do you remember the fog, the way you like it the best? >> She reaches for such an image. Searching.

"Yes, but his dragon found him afterward, so he couldn't have minded and," but Leova stops there. Stops walking, even, until she realizes and starts up again, guiding Viviana through the huge dragon weyr and the second set of curtains toward the table with its set of glows. Giving Viviana a closer look, "Frightened you? Don't understand. You know me. And, and the plant. It's really green. Beautiful. And you thought of me. Just don't know how not to kill it." She swallows. "Are there instructions?"

Vrianth senses that Ashmyth politely declines. << I'm very comfortable like this. But they grow very slowly? I shall ask Viviana to remember this for me. I did not not know the sky was sneaky. I shall be very careful thank you for the advice. >> She's obliging, this little one and the picture she paints is of a still winter's night with a crystalin fog lifting off the ice bound lake. A stray gust of wind scatters the mist as the moons rays sparkle through, creating a magical mystical world.

Ashmyth senses that Vrianth sends agreement, three little sparks: she can stay how she wishes. << So slowly, we cannot see them change from day to day. >> And then she goes quiet, turning the image over in her thoughts, a diffuse glow of admiration.

Viviana looks about the weyr. "I love what you have done with this place. So much more than mine. What with drills and extra reports for sassing I'daur and such. A girl just doesn't have time to think of decorating. All this space!" She shrugs, loosening her flight jacket. "Umm, mist it, don't water it. When it looks like it's almost dead. And it'll come back to life." She admits, with a bemused little smile. "You did scare me and you've scared me before. So... it's not new."

Ashmyth settles comfortably in her own thoughts and is silent for a long while. Suddenly, her eyes whirl with the pure joy of discovery. With the delicate paintbrush of her own imagination, the little dragon paints the moons sparkly and set in the sky. << Now that would be beautiful, would it not? And they would not lose their sparkle so quickly, if they grow as slow as you say. >>

"Just a pile of furniture," Leova starts, slower than Viviana to take off her own jacket. "Talk to Milani, maybe, about getting some? From stores? Guess I need a misting thing too. Now. And how much light does it have to have?" But even as she slings her jacket over the back of one of the chairs, she's still giving Vivy sideways glances more often than not. Slower, "How do you mean?"

Vrianth can admire that too, and does, when Ashmyth shares. << It would. Although I do miss their moving. >> But the sparkles! The sparkles most definitely must stay.

Viviana turns slowly, taking it all in. "No, it's got a nice homey feeling. I'm rather surprised." Looking out toward the ledge as if being rebuked by an unheard voice, the weyrling is swift to add. "Surprised at how much you can do, you never fail to amaze me, Leova." She shrugs again and ruffles her hair with her fingers. " What do I mean? It grows...when you mist it. I don't know how. I don't know, the sweet gardener said it'd grow just within the curtain of my weyr so I thought it would do for you as well? He was so sweet I didn't have the heart to tell him I don't trust myself with such a responsibility of a plant."

Once Leova follows Viviana's glance, she laughs softly, a little knowingly. "All right, then. Just inside the curtain. I'll try it. Maybe I can convince it to grow up and around, like how Lujayn has plants all around." But then she's quiet. Looking at Vivy again. Her hands cup the back of the chair and she leans against it. "Meant more, how do you mean about scaring you."

Viviana makes herself at home on the settee. Matter-of-factly and with no averice, the younger weyrling admits."You are much smarter than I and you seem at times a bit ....moody? No, no that's not the word. Not at all." She shakes her head empathically. "No, you well, i feel itimidated by your intellect. There we go! That's it. I think sometimes you and your /dear/ friend, L'vae think of me as a little canine puppy. Perhaps you are right."

Leova turns when Viviana does, and finally drags her chair up to where she can sit and listen easier. She has to rub her eyes, then her ears, not mockery but actual disbelief. "Smarter? Intellect? Don't know where you get that, Vivy, never have been the one people say anything like that about. Stubborn maybe." Her mouth compresses, and she makes it relax. Mostly. "Not a puppy. No. And I wish, I wish you wouldn't say it like that. Him and me."

Viviana shakes her head, not a bit of teasing or maliciousness there. "You think deeper than me. You ask more questions, more intelligent questions than I. You just are ... deeper. It's a compliment really. My mind doesn't let me stay on one thought and brood upon it for a long time until it hatches into something delightfully wise." Looking up and across the room, she states simply. "But he is /your/ dear L'vae. Isn't he?"

Leova shifts uncomfortably. She shakes her head, has to ask, "How come you keep sassing him if you're going to get reports for it, anyway?" This time she doesn't follow Viviana's glance. She just says steadily, "He's Bremuth's. And a good friend."

Viviana thinks on that, canting her head as she does. "Oh, I nice carob brown throw pillow would look wonderful on this settee, I can make one for you." Perhaps not thinking too deeply on that? "I'daur is a drunk. He's a disgrace. Persie taught me most what I know. He's a bitter man before his time. But he's an intelligent man as well, I give that to him. It's a waste of so much wisdom he could pass on to others." Picking a bit of lint of her jacket, she rolls it into a ball and pops it in a pocket before looking up again. "You are very good friends. It's nice. Nothing to be ashamed of. You two fit together somehow, the same things amuse you; like me."

Talk of pillows doesn't seem to make Leova any less uncomfortable. The rest, though. That's worse. She's leaning forward now, pressing her hands onto her knees so they'll stay flat instead of clenching. "Is that what this is about? You feeling laughed at? Because what you're saying about I'daur. That's flat out wrong."

Abruptly Vrianth's risen to all four paws, her long tail shaping slow serpentine curves that whip at its very tip. She looks at Ashmyth. Then back towards the weyr. Her weyr.

Ashmyth continues dozing and dreaming but does open one lid to peer back at Vrianth. Confused. << What ever is the matter? The moons not high enough for viewing?" >>

Nervously, Viviana peers at Leova, wishing she had a pillow to hug and uses her coat instead. "What? You weren't laughing at me and it's the truth, look how much he drinks? He was taking us *between* with a flask in his pocket and our first long flight was to a tavern. Perhaps, you see more than I do, I already told you that I admire your intellect." She's not upset but she's definitely becoming afraid again - afraid of Leova and begins to stand.

She looks down at the other green. << Dream, Ashmyth. >> Vrianth begins to pace, then all at once stops, though her muscles are tense. Now she's looking out at the stars again, only she's staring, like they better look at her back.

Now it's Ashmyth's turn to become concerned and she twists again, crooning toward the curtained inner sanctum. << Perhaps...the view is better on our weyr's ledge after all. >>

Leova sees that. Pushes her chair back, further away from the other greenrider, a restrained slide kept from becoming a shove. "Don't know how to take that, Viviana. The one hand, there's what you say. Want to believe it. But the other, sounds an awful lot like girls that insist they don't mean offense, you should trust them, it's your own fault they like to stab and stab like so much broken glass." She takes a deeper breath. Keeps her voice low and steady though it can't help but be terse. "Who cares about a flask? You made it *between*. Everyone did. And he's a whole lot less bitter than he might have been. Funny even, if you'd just listen. Glad you could work with Persie. But someone like you or me, we don't get to call that man a disgrace."

Viviana shrugs on her jacket, now that it's not needed as a shield. "I'm trying not to be so mean, I get mean with my words when I feel afraid; and I think I'd better leave, you can think what you think, I'll think what I think. I'daur has hints of greatness, hidden behind anger and the bottle. It's a shame. He was meant for much more. If you'll excuse me, I hope you enjoy your plant. I can get you another one if it dies, just let me know." She's already fastening her jacket and Ashmyth's croons of concern cause her to fasten the jacket even faster. "Perhaps a housewarming visit was not the best idea after all, forgive my intrusion."

Ashmyth senses that Vrianth's thought sharpens. << She will not hurt her. >> There's a distinct sense that Ashmyth's rider is to be protected. Needs to be protected. Whether she likes it or not. So maybe, if only in that one thing, Ashmyth's rider was correct.

Vrianth senses Ashmyth agrees on the one point. Vivy is to be protected and a not so gentle whuff blows at the curtain as if trying to hold open the passage for her lifemate's safe arrival.

"Anger? Don't know who you're seeing." Leova stands now. Doesn't move nearer. Doesn't block any exits. Just stands there. "Want to keep you alive." She takes a deep breath. Switches course. "Thank you. For the plant. Why don't you look me up sometime, when you're feeling less afraid. Or whatever it takes."

Vrianth can make Ashmyth's wish happen. And will. She moves for the entrance, less a smooth flow tonight than the rasp of claws against stone. It's the work of a moment to swing her muzzle between the hangings and draw them wide. Time to go. Go to Ashmyth.

Viviana shoots a look that totally goes against her next words. "I just might do that sometime. Thank you for your hospitaliity, you do have a charming place. And don't you worry..." Puzzled, she shakes her head. "As I said, Persie trained me well. As did I'daur when his mind was clear; now Ashmyth needs me and I need her. Good night."

Viviana meanders out onto the ledge.

Leova stays where she is. Right there. She doesn't call after Viviana. Just gives her a head start and then begins, slowly, to follow.

You wander out onto the ledge.

Viviana nods her respects to Vrianth. "Thank you for your hospitality, you truly have a delightful little place here." She lifts a hand to sooth her own lifemate, tsking reassurances and the green instantly calms. "I can take care of myself, dear, I just needed some --air." Yeah that's it.

Viviana climbs up onto Ashmyth's back, using her straps as handholds.

They watch Ashmyth and her rider. Leova standing by her dragon, now. She doesn't speak.

Ashmyth rises up into the sky.

Ashmyth senses that Vrianth does, though. Not that it's in words: just the vision of moons the way Ashmyth had painted them, beautiful, glittering.

viviana, @hrw, *weyrling

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