Log: (Almost) Lunch with Lujayn

Apr 19, 2008 23:21

RL: April 19, 2008.
VR: Day 31, month 1, Turn 16, of the Interval.
(Original log from Lujayn)

At last! Leova visits Lujayn and gets a tour of her weyr.

It's a bit windy out on Rielsath's ledge, but the clear day allows for sunlight to filter generously down on a lounging dragon and her rider. Freshly oiled, soaking up the scant warmth offered by the afternoon sun, Rielsath curls her tail idly as Lujayn wipes oil from her hands with a rag, looking up from time to time. Her eyes scan the bowl, flick momentarily to the steps, then up to the sky, apparently waiting in a fidgety way.

It's the steps that her fellow weyrling takes, carrying a good-sized basket. "Ho, the ledge!" Leova calls out, already starting up, eyes turning to Lujayn before the great thirty-five-meter wall that is Rielsath. "Hope you didn't already order up? Brought a couple things from morning errands, got one of the good ones for once." Her smile hints at a friendly slyness.

Lujayn just catches the sound of boots on stone, turning as Leova appears at last. "Not today," She grins in reply, stepping carefully around Rielsath's twitching tail to greet her friend. "And what's that?" Peering more curiously at the basket, just waiting. "We could eat inside if you'd like; picnics aren't much fun in the cold."

"Let's," Leova agrees, closing the distance and getting ready to follow Lujayn, though with an easy nod to Rielsath whenever they get near her head. "Though only the casserole's hot, that's from here. The rest? Fruit. Southern fruit. Southern summer fruit," and she smacks her lips to underscore it.

Rielsath makes Leova's nod a bit easier, rising slightly from her sprawl in order to watch the two riders move across her ledge. She watches them all the way inside, but can't be tempted from her basking by a bunch of fruit. Lujayn leads the way inside, looking a great deal hungrier after Leova's description. "I really enjoy eating in here," She indicates a table where the basket can be set, surrounded by a few chairs. "More relaxing than the living cavern, and I can work while I eat if I don't spill all over the hides." A little smirk indicates that's probably happened more than once since moving in. "Haven't gotten around to scrubbing the rust off my elevator, though, so I still carry meals up."

Leova looks all around as she enters. "Huge," she murmurs, setting the basket on the table and leaning on the back of one of the chairs to look some more at what she can see of the main room. "But of course it would have to be. And plants? Actual plants, what are those back there? Don't blame you about the elevator, not as though your feet got broken when you moved in or anything."

Lujayn moves to collect a pair of cups near the table, nodding in agreement with Leova's initial reaction. "I think I'm getting used to it," She admits, pouring some cider for the both of them. "It was so huge. So.. surprising," She finds the word after a moment, taking a look around with Leova. "I don't know whose idea those were, but they're so nice. Adds some life, all natural and everything. Trailers, climbers, stuff that'll get on the walls and keep going." A glance to the hanging baskets. "Some nice dragonsnaps, too; I always liked those." Pushing one mug of cider towards Leova, settling down at the table. "I hope your weyr's coming along, too. Does Vrianth like it?"

"And are those beads?" Leova waves to the curtain. "Those, those are great." She doesn't move closer, though, instead opening up the basket and going through it with alacrity. Casserole, enough to share, and some fruit that has a bruise or two but otherwise lifts its sweet, ripe fragrance into the air. "Might think about the greenery myself. Could see how it would drive some people crazy, green so near, but it's not like you or me stayed inside all day, before we got here... Right, our weyr. Mostly just a heap of furniture. Still."

A grin is creeping onto Lujayn's face, pleased with how well her weyr is presenting itself. "Those are fun. Rielsath kept moving them just to hear the sounds they make for nearly a sevenday, it was constant noise.." She helps to spread the meal out, retreating again for some wooden dishes. "That's right, we're good outdoorsy girls." She agrees proudly. "If you want some help with your weyr - I can look for things in stores, or lend you some cuttings off the ivy," The offer is casual but entirely sincere. "Or haul off parts of the heap you don't care for. I'm finally starting to use all of the information they pounded into me about stores." A sly smile.

"Were the beads here already, like the greens? If you happen to find any more of those in stores, that would be something," Leova says, sharing her smile with a sideways glance before she finally slides into a seat. "The weyr itself, or my part of it anyway, it's mostly that it's one big room and I want to have it seem like has parts, you know? Any idea on how to do that? So people don't just walk in and there's the bed. Not that it made any difference in the barracks. Or the dorm, any dorm." She searches the table once more. "If you have a big spoon, looks like we're good to go."

Lujayn pulls back a chair, shaking her head. "The beads were here from Tavrie's time, but I'll snag more for you if I see any." She promises, about ready to sit down when Leova brings up another point. "Spoon, right. And I was about to dig in with my hands," She teases the greenrider as she ducks away yet again, coming back with utensils and a serving spoon that match the wood of the dishes. "Maybe you could make up some partitions with curtains," Lu suggests, sticking the spoon into the casserole. "Or find a tall wardrobe that would make a wall.." Now she can sit, quite gratefully.

"More good ideas." Leova's smile reappears, broadens, and she slides her plate over to Lujayn for a spoonful while she starts on cutting up the fruit. They can make quick work of it, and it's all looking good and smelling good, all ready for the first bite. Which is, of course, when distant Istan dragons start humming, and from dragon to dragon to dragon it's quickly to theirs. Leova's eyes lift, and now she's got a grin. "Hear what I hear? What do you think, want to go drag our lunch somewhere warm?"

Lujayn shares the grin, standing again before she's had a chance to really enjoy sitting. "You bet!" A throaty hum can be heard from her ledge, Rielath's excitement picking up with her rider's reaction. "There's bound to be a party afterwards, too." She claps her hands together, already retrieving her jacket and leathers from a hook on the wall. A forlorn glance to her casserole and southern fruit, but it's quickly dispelled as Rielsath sticks her insisting snout into the weyr. "I'm coming, I'm coming.."

lujayn, @hrw, *weyrling

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