Things are okay.
I received candy from Jen :) and a pretty green notebook and pencil from Zoi. :) Loot from trick or treating. Nifty.
I am physically quite worn out and likely will be for a while, but my home is cleaner and tidier than usual, so that is nice.
I am holding off on purchasing any Lush products until some financial snafus sort themselves out... which is difficult, but one does what one must. And really, there are worse hardships to endure, as are often written about on my friends page.
I will be going to the New Year's Eve party, to inform those who might also be going. Not sure who will be there... I hope I don't end up regretting going. My lothario is not going, so I'm a little uncomfortable about going without him. But the ticket is purchased, so I hope I made the right decision.
I just read this
news article on genetics - it's fascinating. Check it out. It's a breakthrough about how the number of copies and the amount of info left out varies from person to person far more than previously suspected. Genetics just became far more complicated. I didn't live through some of the other major breakthroughs in genetics, such as determining the structure of DNA, but genetics is a young field that is quickly learning more and more. It feels neat to have lived through this discovery. We are more unique than previously suspected.
After a recent article about how there may be more than a googol different universes and thus we are even less unique than expected, which is the usual trend of science, it's kinda neat to see something that says we may each be more unique than expected. Note, the googols of universe thing has to do with gravity leaking out of our universe and into others and the hypothesis is going to be tested soon... but it is all extremely complicated and the little article I read did not nearly sufficiently explain it, and I suspect that I do not know enough math or science to be capable of understanding it anyway. It's one of those sorts of things, sounds really neat to laymen, but laymen don't actually have a hope of grasping it properly. At least, I suspect so. But as it hasn't been confirmed yet, you might as well keep living your life as if there were only this one universe.