Nov 06, 2006 15:11
Well, I don't have to. There are some options, just none of them are really convenient for me. My voting place is in a church. It's not the end of the world, but it does annoy me. I don't like going into churches... they have a bad vibe to me. And I really don't like mixing my important civil acts with churches.
I understand why voting locations are often in churches. I understand that this is not a conspiracy. I also understand that there are practical limitations.
I also wonder about what psychological effects there are of having to vote in a church. I doubt it's been studied. I think it should be.
In my ideal world, voting locations would all be unaffiliated with religion (when I was growing up my parents voted in the gym of one of the local public schools, that strikes me as fine) and fully accessible to the disabled (which public schools should be anyway, so they might make decent choices in general).
On a side note, I'm dreadfully underprepared for this election, and I'm not sure i have the energy to fix that. Haven't had it for months, certainly not since I received my information about who is running and what propositions there are. I'll vote, but I hate voting without doing a bunch of research first.
If anyone wants to give me their opinion, feel free to. But most of you probably don't know much about the local issues for where I am, and alas, neither do I.