Making up a storm!

Mar 23, 2003 00:18

Making jewelry up a storm. Fun fun fun! I have made a commitment. I decided Wednesday that I would try for next week to get a space at the University Center at UNO so I could sell jewelry and stuff. So I crossed my fingers and printed up some flyers and went in Friday to see the woman who heads that area. The space was free! So I told her to put me down for it.

So now I am getting all of my things together and getting business cards printed out and going crazy pondering how to decorate the booth area to draw attention. I wish I had a banner or something I could use. But never had one made. So I dunno. Prolly just print out custom lil sheets I design and hope it's enough. I posted the flyers all over campus, but I plan to check on them throughout the week. Simply because people are VERY rude!!

See the posting boards are free for any to post on as long as the material isn't profane and nasty and as long as it's approved by the UC. Some things have long since expired and are under other ads. I tried to pick out spots where I thought mine would be seen, but tried as hard as I could not to cover others. The only time I covered someone else's right down the center was because they put the same darned thing three times in a row. Posted the same flyer paper side by side. To draw attention sure, but geeze!

Another thing I did was check the dates of ads I was partly covering to see how recent they were. All I posted over were long expired. The most recent ads are obviously on top. Someone had posted cheerleader tryout ads marked the 20th, while mine was the 21st. Amusing it was. I put mine near this particular ad a few times on the different boards around campus. Hoping that yellow paper and the fact it's for cheerleading will draw a little attention. Get me some bizness!

Anyway. I ran into some friends of mine and sat and chatted a while. Then went and had wanna be campus Chic-Fil-A. What a disgrace to the Chic-Fil-A name!! ARRGH. Hmm. Then I started to head back to my usual spot aaaalll the way at the UC. I passed back around and hit the last two boards on campus I had yet to post on. Then headed back to the path past the Business Building. I had a handful of flyers left so I figured I would put one on every part of the board in front of that building, as I figure it is one that has some of the most traffic past it.

I checked the signs I had already posted, and imagine how annoyed I was when I found someone had blatantly put a small blue ad for some... I dunno... something at a local club or some crap. Right over mine. I think the only reason they did so was so they could use my thumb tac because they were stupid and didn't have their own. I promptly plucked offending ad from my own and stuck it between someone else's so at least it wouldn't blow away. Granted it is free posting space, everyone for themselves, but have some friggin courtesy!! And bring your own god damned thumb tacs! You KNOW that they are required to post your papers. DUH. Ahem. So with that done. I decided to go around and make damned sure I put my tacs in so deep that it would be too much of a pain in the ass to bother trying to pull them out. Hmph.

I posted the last flyers and headed back to sit and make more necklaces and stuff, yaaay!

So there you have it. Thursday, March 27th I will be at the University Center of UNO in the lobby at the far/back end if you enter from the horseshoe at the front. I have one of the half circular booth spaces, the one right outside of the TIPS/TOPS machine.

So drop by and see me if you're in the area!

college, art, shows, general, creative

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