rhodesy and I leave on Thursday for NYC.
I am so excited I can barely sit still. Not only do I get to see Duran Duran and not only do I get to go to New York City for the second time this year, but I get to meet up with fabulous friends I only see once in a great while. This is going to be such a fun trip!
Of course, I'm stressed out as I always am when I travel.
rhodesy and I got quite a lot accomplished this weekend, even if it doesn't feel like it to me. The amount of shopping we've done in the past two weeks should be criminal. I can't even remember all the things we bought but I know it involved jewelry. I still need to get a shade of lipstick to wear to the show but I think I may wait until we go to Sephora in NYC. I've got several appointments for beauty related stuffs this week but I don't know if I'm giong to keep them all. Pedicure and eyebrow wax have to be done, but the manicure and the hair color touch up I'm rethinking. I just got my hair colored a few weeks ago. It's not THAT bad. And if I skipped it that would be more money to spend in NYC. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'll decide when the time comes I suppose. In the midst of all that I have to somehow find time to pack, clean the apartment, leave instructions for Julia (she's taking care of the kitties), and get a few decent hours of sleep. I've been so freaking busy lately that sleep has kind of gone by the way side. That's probably why I'm getting sick.
I watched the boys on Friday night after work. It was good to see them, as always, but they were out of control. I know I'm not there all the time and it shows. They don't listen, they fight and call each other names all the time, they purposefully disobey. I feel like they're not getting enough attention or discipline, but then that was always the case with John and Marcia. I love them both, I really do, but they don't spend nearly enough time with those boys.
The girls are doing well (napping at the moment). Lauren still doesn't like the texture of 3rd stage foods but she's starting to crawl and can push herself up into a sitting position. She's also starting to try and pull herself up by grabbing onto things. Lucy has finally started putting weight on her legs. Not for long periods, but there is definite improvement. I finally figured out a way to get her to do that and it seems to be working well.
My boss ended up paying for my video card and my memory so I'm on Second Life now. Arcadia Nightfire is my name if anyone wants to add me. Though I probably won't be on there much until after the NYC trip. I like it so far, it's just a lot of work. I don't really have the patience for that sort of thing. I think that's one of the reasons I didn't get into Sims as much as everyone else. *shrug* Oh well. Perhaps when I get back the Duran islands will be up and running.
My goddaughter's birthday was this weekend but they're having her party the weekend I'm in NYC. I'm sad that I have to miss it but what are you going to do. I mailed her present this weekend. I got her The Daring Book For Girls and a really pretty bracelet. I hope she likes them. Speaking of birthdays, in the chaos of these past two weeks, I missed a couple. So Happy Birthday to my lj friends who had them. Hope they were wonderful!