All That Was Good, All That Was Fair

May 10, 2016 11:19

[+] Oh, so...remember that whole thing about me posting more often? Haha, yeah. Um. :/

[+] Disclaimer: I'm super excited about my baby boy (!), and I love feeling him kick, but pregnancy is no picnic. I'm only 26 weeks along (I know it annoys people, but there is such a huge difference between 22 weeks when I was five months and 27 weeks when I'll officially be six months) and my back is fucking KILLING me. I have this crazy rib pain, from my organs being smushed up into my rib cage, and being only 5' tall, there's only so far that this baby has room to grow, so it's going to get even more cramped. By the end of the day, my eyes are tearing up and I'm short of breath it hurts so bad.

Don't worry, all my nurse and doctor friends, I've had it checked out (2 trips to the emergency room!) Pain is purely muscular/skeletal and short of 'taking it easy' and 'stretching when I can' there's really not much I can do. (Tylenol does shit, and my job is sitting at a desk. I can get up and walk around to an extent, but I can't just be away from my desk all day.)

Then there's the mood swings. It's like I'm back and forth between murderous rage and sobbing my eyes out. Never seeing Michael certainly doesn't help. Trying to figure out how to leave my job and still accumulate the same amount of money in our monthly income...:/ Obviously not going to happen. I admire working moms who are passionate about their career and care about the work that they do. I don't. I'm collecting a paycheck.

But really? LOL, I'm mostly excited. Truthfully, I've always wanted kids, but always expected pregnancy to suck. Really, I want to have another baby next year. :D

This kid has so much monogrammed stuff already. (And so much shamrock stuff.) Sleepers, blankets, diaper bag, chair, nightlight...It's like I'm afraid he's not going to know his own name.

[+] Fannish stuff. I'm still super obsessed with Underground (finale tomorrow night!) It's a devastating story...but I feel like the show has had some missteps in the past few episodes. I feel like there's been a real lack of Noah and Rosalee. And this isn't just me clamoring for my ship, but they were so strong and sizzling in the first few episodes, but they just backtracked to build up her relationship with Cato (and Noah's relationship with him too).

For instance, in Troubled Water, when she left and came back with the Indians (I don't believe they've specified which tribe)...It was just kind of too much of a jump. The guy on the boat said 'he heard that there were Indians who helped runaways' but it was just so vague for her to go on, not that she's not resourceful. Troubled Waters was kind of a misstep all together (should be noted that it's the only episode that Misha Green and Joe Pokaski did not write). Cradle was an amazing episode (BEN!) but obviously Noah/Rosalee were not the focus of that. And then in this last ep, when they finally reunited...Like, I felt like they'd been apart for four episodes, and I expected the music to swell and for them to take a moment (like a cinematic moment, I know that they were literally on the run), but it just read through like the rest of the scene. I'm not talking about the overall importance of the greater story, but as a kind of feels like the show doesn't care?

[+] I'm a thousand years late, but I am OBSESSED with Outlander! (Note the new default icon.)

image Click to view

And it's very exciting, with all the political intrigue and super graphic violence (seriously, I didn't think anything could shock me after Spartacus), and the sex is of course super hot, and I love all of the soap opera-ish time travel, but the best part of this show is the very real marriage between Jamie and Claire. I mean, Michael and I are nowhere that exciting and interesting, but I LOOOVE watching couples act like real couples and fight and get annoyed with each other and it's all the same sort of stuff that people always deal with. That's why The Reckoning is my favorite episode.

And of course, seeing her pregnant is giving me all sorts of feelings.

And while Jamie and Claire are of course the stars and the heart of things, I really need to hand it to Tobias Menzies, who is amazing. First of all, he switches between the dual roles so wonderfully, and you can see hints of Jack's darkness through Frank's kindness. (Can't really see hints of Frank's kindness through Jack's cruelty, but that would be a different sort of switch.) But also- Frank gets a bad rap for being the boring, fuddy-duddy that Claire *has* to settle with, but rewatching the first few episodes- they genuinely love each other and seem to have a lot of fun.

[+] I'm kept up with Grey's Anatomy, which is pretty great, relaxing tv for me. I feel like I'm watching adults be adults, without a whole lot of tv-style drama. Which sounds boring but is nice. Arrow...I don't know. I think I might be done after this year, unless there is something fantastic promised for Thea for next year (but I feel like something fantastic always *looks like* it's on the way for her). The Vampire Diaries- all I want out of life is for Bonnie and Enzo to ride off into the sunset together, happily. And Game of Thrones, I'm interested in the first time in forever, but I still think this show gets entirely too much credit from the whole world.

I'm behind on The Flash, New Girl and way behind on Legends of Tomorrow. ::shrug::

[+] Regarding this article from Vulture...Just kind of makes me shake my head that people don't realize what a good set-up we had with LJ. Cut, and tag, and you're acting like a decent human being. Tweeting the end of the The Force Awakens? You're a douchebag.

[+] Make me be fannish.

001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:

Favorite character:
Least Favorite character:
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
A random thought:
An unpopular opinion:
My canon OTP:
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Favourite friendship:
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by:

002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:

When of if I started shipping it:
My thoughts:
What makes me happy about them:
What makes me sad about them:
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Things I look for in fanfic:
My kinks:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
My happily ever after for them:
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:

003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:

How I feel about this character:
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
My het ship:
My fem/slash ship:
My OT3:
My cross over ship:
My kink:
A headcanon fact:
My gender bend:


tv discussion, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: arrow, tv: underground, tv: game of thrones, tv: outlander

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