[+] I'm off on Mondays from now on.
Anyway, Happy National Day-After-The Walking Dead day.
I am *loving* this back half of s5. It very well all might blow up in my face, but for now, I'm LOVING it.
Forget has a few meaning- *not* forgetting where they've been, things they've forgotten about the old world.
Where was the fucking flashback?? I watched twice, where was it??
I loved, loved, loved Daryl in this episode, like I haven't in a very long time, and I loved, loved, loved his scenes with Aaron. It was just such kindness. The horse! Reminds me of the Greene farm. And also, "You used to be someone's, now you're just yours." GUH.
I also love that this season is sort of showing Norman's comic chops (subtly, not ha-ha funny). Like, it's very clear that Daryl has never used a fork before.
Like, I feel like all of Daryl's dialogue in this episode relates back to Beth. (That's why, if this doesn't ALL relate back to Beth, I am going to throw a toddler temper tantrum.)
Sasha is going through some intense PTSD. For all obvious reasons. Her boyfriend was eaten. Her brother was eaten. (And she didn't even get to say goodbye.) I am really, really loving Sonequa Martin Greene this season, and so far, she seems to just spark chemistry with everyone. Hello, Austin Nichols! He is charming as always (but he seems to always play the exact same role.) Becoming the community sniper is absolutely NOT going to make her more part of the group. I can't think of a more isolated job.
Rick is a huge mystery this episode. On TTD, Kevin Smith called him kind of a caveman, and I can see that? He's been stripped so far back to a primal being that he might seriously shoot the husband of a woman he has a passing attraction to. I think it was that simple. And I think that this *is* shades of Shane Walsh. While Jessie seems like a good, decent woman, I think she is calling back to Rick's Darker Angels (with Michonne representing his Better Angels). Jessie reminds me a lot of Lori- in looks, demeanor, etc. She has a kid roughly the same age. I think she's calling up a lot of darkness for him.
And okay, I'm just going to say it. I think Carol has passed the point of being redeemed. I think her Darker Angels have taken over. And not because she scared a little kid. I don't think she *wants* to be redeemed. I've said this before- I think she lost herself when her daughter was killed and she has just been daring the world to kill her since then. At Terminus, thank God she saved the family, but to me, still, it doesn't feel like she did it out of love. She did it out of destruction and anarchy. That's just how I feel.
The A on Rick's (and Jessie's) hands- probably to represent Alexandria, but so chillingly like the traincar in Terminus, yes? And what was up with the W on the walker?