[+] You guys, I *loved* tonight's Arrow. I'm sure the end pissed a lot of people off (like, just a couple of days ago *I* said it would have pissed me off), but it felt so, so right to me.
*There's not going to be a ton inside this cut, because I can never seem to actually organize my thoughts about this show, but just in case things are too spoilery...
I know, I know I *just said* Oliver and Felicity better run into each other's arms and start doing sex all over the place, but you know what? That's just not Oliver. He is even MORE Oliver now than he ever was. And I get why that pisses her off, that would piss *me* off, but if you're going to love this man, THIS is this man.
I like Felicity, I really do. But I'm here for Oliver (and I pretty much never say that). I'm here for Oliver, and Thea, and now Laurel. (And somehow I'm still here for Tommy...this is good use of my time.)
I am really kind of liking Malcolm in this shade of grey- John Barrowman is clearly an enormous asset to the show, and they are going to keep him around for as long as they can. And he can't be straight up evil and survive. I like characters that can go either way. (Keeps things interesting.)
And Flashback!LittleKid!Tommy is even enough Tommy for me. (Well...there will never be enough Tommy for me. But it made me happy.) Oh, and Baby Nyssa! Cute as a button, quick as anything, and very interesting that *she* was the one to train Malcolm.
Cheesy as fuck, but I loved the Glades taking back their neighborhood (you know I always fall for that Rocky Balboa shit), and I loved Roy leading the charge. OLIVER STANDING ON THE BARRICADE (or whatever it was). THAT IS A HERO'S ENTRANCE.
PLEASE DON'T LET TED GRANT BE DEAD. (Although, there can only be so many Nicknamed, Masked Superheroes running around...and we're going to have the Atom in action soon too, I'm sure.)
And you guys...I can't help it. He went to Thea first. He is still all blinders about saving her.
He is still fucking everything up by keeping secrets that practically everyone else she knows is in the loop on.
Oliver and Thea: Slowburn of the Whole Fucking Show.
I am a terrible person.